150.   Thailand


In dreams I wander back to lands unknown,
Where thirty years have wrapped their threads in time,
The trees, once thick with shadows overgrown,
Now dance in memory’s light, in gentle rhyme.

I feel the whispers of a bustling street,
Where voices hum like songs from long ago,
Each smile, a secret promise, soft and sweet,
A language of the heart I used to know.

The scent of food—spices kissed by the air,
A warmth that fills the soul with ancient fire,
The sea calls out, its waves a distant prayer,
And stirs the embers of forgotten desire.

Though far away, this love still pulls me near,
A country in my heart, forever dear.


WWW (10/15/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

149.   Chasing Colors


Upon the wings of winds, I sail so high,
To realms where skies unfold a softer hue,
Beyond the distant curve where secrets lie,
I chase a color never known nor true.

Through silver clouds and dusk’s embrace I soar,
Each breath a brushstroke on a canvas wide,
The stars themselves have never seen before,
This shade that in my heart begins to bide.

A tone that whispers softly to my soul,
That calls me from the world I thought I knew,
A brilliance that has made my spirit whole,
As if the sun was born in every blue.

I fly away, and in its light, I gleam,
The color of a long-forgotten dream.


WWW (10/15/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

147/148.   Chemical Afterglow

I decided to try my hand at two versions of the same idea. The first sonnet is more typical in the style you've become accustomed to reading, and then second one in a favorite of mine, Shakespearean style. The second, however very similiar, took me several long hours to grind out the right feeling, however, having the first as the base to work from it made my task a bit lighter. 


Upon the twilight’s gentle, tender fold,
A chemical afterglow begins to rise,
Where colors dance in streams of amber gold,
And whispers weave through dreams that fill the skies.

With wonder in their hearts, the people stand,
Their gazes lifted high to catch the light,
In hues of violet, beauty’s gentle hand
Cradles their joy as day gives way to night.

Sweet laughter mingles softly in the air,
As love unfolds beneath the fading glow;
In radiant warmth, they leave behind all care,
And find the peace that only twilight knows.

In every shade, a vibrant truth they seek,
In beauty found within, their spirits speak.




Upon the twilight's tender and refined embrace,
An ethereal afterglow doth subtly ascend,
Where hues of amber gold in elegant grace,
In streams most gentle, through the heavens blend.

With wonderment in hearts so poised and still,
The people stand, their eyes aloft, to see
The violet tones which beauty’s hand doth fill,
And cradle joy as daylight bows in glee.

Soft laughter mingles in the fragrant air,
As love, in noble form, unfolds below,
Beneath the fading glow, released from care,
In twilight’s warmth, they find repose to grow.

In every shade, a truth of noble worth,
In beauty’s light, their spirits speak of mirth.

WWW (09/30/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


                                          146. Ahhh, Zest


Ahhh, birds chirped, dancing effortlessly.

Farmers gathered, harvesting, inviting joyful kin, laughing, making new offerings.

Pumpkins, quietly rested, shimmering under vibrant, warm xanthic yields.

"Zest!" said an eager farmer. "All's bright!"


WWW (09/29/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



                                     145.   Emotions in Motion


When I speak or hold your gaze,
My hands may tremble, shake, or sway.
It’s not from fear or anxious phase,
But a rhythm that won’t fade away.

My voice may waver, slightly dance,
A quiver not of nerves, but chance.
It’s a movement that I embrace,
A quiet truth, not out of place.

Though it may seem that I am strained,
Or that I’m holding back in vain,
It’s simply how my body’s made,
A gentle tremor that won’t fade.

Imagine if you will, a breeze,
That rustles leaves with subtle ease.
It’s not the storm that shakes the trees,
But a whisper carried on the breeze.

So, if you notice, pause, and see,
This shake is part of who I be.
It doesn’t speak of fear or dread,
But of a life where I am led.

In calm and grace, my spirit stands,
With every tremor, every hand.
This is my truth, not a disguise,
A gentle dance beneath the skies.

With understanding, I hope you find,
This tremor’s not of anxious mind.
It’s simply me, in every way,
A part of who I am today.


I wrote this as a way to allow my audience to know who I am when I am on stage. As my tremors might get the best of me to say I am not nervous, I have a physical impairment that you see. 

WWW (09/19/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



                                 144.   Where do you feel?


In the chest, a pulse of joy,  

A heartbeat quick with love’s employ,  

It dances light, it sways, it spins,  

A warmth inside that softly wins.


In the gut, a twist of fear,  

A sinking doubt that settles near,  

It clenches tight, a storm untamed,  

In silence whispered, but unnamed.


In the mind, a spark of thought,  

Ideas are woven, wisdom sought,  

It churns and flows, it stops and starts,  

A river bending through its parts.


In the heart, both pain and grace,  

A fragile, tender, sacred space,  

It beats for loss, it beats for light,  

In joy and sorrow’s endless fight.


In the soul, a longing deep,  

A call for purpose, dreams to keep,  

It stretches far, beyond the sky,  

Where hope and faith in silence lie.


In every part, these feelings roam,  

Each finds its place, each claims its home,  

In body, mind, in heart, in soul,  

Together, they compose the whole.


WWW (09/19/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



                                       143.   Goodbye August


As summer fades with whispered sighs,
And August waves its soft goodbyes,
We gather 'round with hearts aglow,
Awaiting September's gentle show.

The air begins to shift and cool,
A welcome break from summer’s rule,
And people smile, with eyes turned high,
To watch the clouds drift in the sky.

We long for breezes fresh and light,
For mornings kissed by softer night,
The golden glow of leaves once green,
A promise of the change unseen.

There's magic in September’s air,
A quiet peace beyond compare,
And all who wait can feel it near,
The sweetest time of every year.


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                                      142.   September's Hues


In September’s light, the colors softly change,
As autumn whispers on the cooling breeze.
The golden leaves begin their quiet range,
And dance upon the rustling of the trees.

The mountains blush with hues of red and gold,
As summer’s warmth retreats with gentle grace.
The coolness wraps the earth in tender hold,
While shadows stretch across the open space.

The air, now crisp, refreshes breath and mind,
And nature shifts beneath the fading sun.
Each vibrant leaf that falls, a sign we find,
That autumn’s peaceful reign has just begun.

Oh, Colorado, dressed in autumn’s hue,
Your September afternoons are pure and true.


WWW (09/19/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

                                    141.   Running from Hell

In the small, tight-knit town where everyone knew everyone, William had once been a child filled with promise. In the early 1970s, he was known for one thing—his speed. No one could match him on the track. He was lightning, and he knew it. The talent that set him apart filled his heart with pride, but it soon became a curse.

William’s arrogance had painted a target on his back. He flaunted his gift, bragging at every opportunity, and the other kids hated him for it. What started as teasing turned into something far darker. Every day, for eight long years, William faced relentless abuse from his classmates. They broke him down bit by bit—emotionally, physically, leaving him bruised and bloodied. It didn’t stop when the school bell rang. The torment followed him through the hallways, into the schoolyard, even down the streets of the town. He hid his pain as best he could, sobbing quietly in corners where no one could find him, afraid to show his hurt to a world that already despised him.

At first, he didn’t understand why they hated him so much. Wasn’t he special? Didn’t his speed make him someone to admire? But the truth hit him like a cold wind to the face—it was his own pride that had brought this misery upon him. By the time he realized it, the damage was done. His once-vaunted name had become a joke, a source of ridicule. In a town so small, there was no escaping his reputation. Everyone knew William, and no one cared that he was fast. All they saw was a boy they couldn’t stand.

For a while, the track team was the only place where he held any value, but even there, his worth was fleeting. His talent still shone through, but no one could see beyond the scars his arrogance had left behind. He won races, but he never won friends. William’s happiness was like a candle flickering in the wind—barely there, easily snuffed out.

As the years passed, the taunts faded, but the damage did not. The words and the blows had done their work, engraving themselves deep in William’s soul. He carried that weight with him into adulthood, feeling unworthy, broken, and hollow. His once-great gift had been short-lived, and now all that remained was the bitter taste of regret. The confidence he once flaunted had been stripped away, leaving him bare and vulnerable. Others could see it in him—a shadow of the proud boy he once was.

But then, one early winter, something changed. William, who had never found peace, discovered a new outlet—writing. Poetry and stories flowed from him like the wind he once outran. People began to notice, not for his speed, but for the beauty of his words. Forty-one years after his fall from grace, William found a new image. No longer the arrogant boy, he became someone else—confident, creative, and fun to be around. His writing breathed new life into him, and for the first time, he felt a joy he had never known before.

Family and friends, once distant, were drawn to him again. They saw not the scars of the past, but the brilliance of his present. William had recovered, not just from the taunts of childhood, but from the loss of himself. Through words, he had found his true value—one that no one could take away.


WWW (09/18/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


140.   Winter's Orchestra

This art is hand painted by Anne Thouthip, A local Loveland artist, whose work can be found on Facebook.

In winter's hush, the trees stand tall and bare,
Their branches laced with frost, a crystal crown,
A silent orchestra in frosty air,
As snowflakes dance, their gentle waltz renowned.

The wind, a maestro, whispers through the pines,
Conducting symphonies of creaking wood,
Each rustling leaf, a note that intertwines,
In nature's harmony, pure and good.

The birch's bark, like parchment, tells a tale,
Of seasons past, where sunlight used to play,
Now draped in white, they wear a quiet veil,
Yet promise life beneath the freeze’s sway.

So let us pause and hear this winter song,
In trees we find a beauty, still and strong.


WWW (09/10/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


                                         139.   Will's Journey


Will was a man who wandered through time,
Searching for purpose, for reason, for rhyme.
Through valleys of doubt and mountains of strain,
He wrestled with questions that spun in his brain.

His youth was a maze with no map in sight,
He chased every dream but none felt quite right.
The roads he would follow would twist and would bend,
Leading to places that came to no end.

He tried to be bold, to conquer, to thrive,
Yet something was missing, a spark to survive.
In moments of silence, he'd sit and he'd think,
But his heart felt so empty, his soul on the brink.

The years carried onward, as years often do,
And Will found himself with the old and the new.
His hair, once dark, now streaked with grey,
His hands, once strong, began to betray.

But somewhere in stillness, in the quiet of days,
A whisper of words found their way through the haze.
He picked up a pen with a hand worn and old,
And suddenly stories and poems were told.

At first, they were small, just thoughts in the night,
But soon they became wings that took him to flight.
He wrote of his struggles, his failures, his pain,
Of love that was lost, of thunder and rain.

To his surprise, the world leaned in close,
His words touched their hearts, like a quieted prose.
They felt what he felt, they saw what he’d seen,
His pain became theirs, his words so serene.

With each stroke of his pen, with each mark on the page,
Will found that his soul had slipped from its cage.
The stories he’d carried, the ones locked inside,
Were now shared with the world, no longer to hide.

And Will, once adrift, without compass or chart,
Discovered his gift had been there from the start.
It wasn't in conquest, in fortune or fame,
But in telling the tales that gave life a name.

His heart found its rhythm, his soul found its grace,
He’d uncovered the treasure he'd long sought to chase.
Not in riches or lands, not in things bought or sold,
But in writing the truth, in stories untold.

So now as he sits with the grey in his hair,
Will smiles at the life he once thought unfair.
For he’s found his way, through paper and pen,
And he's finally happy, again and again.

For the words in his heart, and the ink in his hand,
Helped Will find the man he had long hoped to understand.
In the lines of his writing, in the verse and the prose,
He discovered the joy that the wandering chose.

So if you should meet Will, with a pen in his grip,
Know his journey to peace wasn’t done in a slip.
It was carved from the years, from the struggles and strife,
But in the end, he found happiness — through the words of his life.


WWW (09/09/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



                                           138.   Two Friends


There once was a boy, so small and so shy,
With a friend by his side, who would never say goodbye.
From the moment of dawn till the settling of night,
They'd laugh and they'd whisper, everything felt right.

They'd sit by the stream where the willows would bend,
Talking of dreams that would never quite end.
In the mornings of hope, and the evenings of doubt,
The friend stayed with him when others stepped out.

"Tell me your worries, your hopes, and your fears,
Let me carry your sorrows, and wipe away tears."
And the boy would respond with the weight in his heart,
Together they were, never to part.

Through childhood’s adventures, and the thorns of despair,
He knew he had someone who would always be there.
They shared every triumph, and each whispered fall,
This friend was his anchor, his shelter, his wall.

When anger would come like a storm on the sea,
His friend was the calm, his voice soft and free.
When joy filled the air like the first burst of spring,
They'd dance in the meadow, and laugh like the wind.

The years tumbled on, as they always do,
The boy became older, but the friendship stayed true.
Through the aches of the heart and the ache in his bones,
This friend never left, not in words or in tones.

In the quiet of moments, with no one around,
They'd speak of the things that could never be found.
"Tell me who you are," the boy often said,
"Why is it with you, no words go unsaid?"

The friend never answered, just gave him a smile,
They'd sit in the stillness, and talk for a while.
As the boy became older, his questions grew deep,
But the friend stayed beside him, watching him sleep.

Through the joys of first love, and the sting of goodbyes,
Through the battles he fought, with tears in his eyes.
The friend never left, never faltered or failed,
And together they sailed where life’s winds prevailed.

Then came a day, as the boy grew quite old,
His hair streaked with silver, his heart lined with gold.
He sat by the fire, the crackling flame,
His friend by his side, as always the same.

And in that soft glow of the embers' last light,
He turned to his friend in the stillness of night.
"You’ve been with me always, through joy and through strife,
But who are you really, this companion of life?"

Then a voice, clear as bells, rang deep in his ear,
"I am you, my dear friend, I’ve always been here.
Through the laughter and tears, through the dark and the light,
I am the mirror that’s held you so tight."

The old man’s eyes widened, his heart skipped a beat,
For now he could see it, the truth was complete.
All these long years, he’d talked to his soul,
A reflection of self that had made him whole.

In moments of doubt, it was his voice he’d hear,
In whispers of courage, he’d banished all fear.
Through the turns of the seasons, through the wild open skies,
His best friend had been himself in disguise.

The old man chuckled, his heart warm and full,
For what better company than a friendship so whole?
He had been his own guide, his own dearest muse,
Through the twists and the turns, he’d been the one to choose.

So he sat by the fire, in the quiet of night,
No longer alone, but wrapped in the light.
For the friend by his side, who never did stray,
Was himself all along, in the most gentle way.

The mirror had spoken, the truth was so clear,
The boy and the man had always been near.
Together they’d walked through the years that had flown,
His best friend was himself, he'd never been alone.


WWW (09/08/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


                                  137.   The Brush of her Hand


Her name was Elara, and from the moment she was born, she carried a presence that soothed the world around her. As a child, people noticed how her touch seemed to soften the hardest of hearts. When she placed her small hand on her mother’s, the worries of the day melted away. Strangers who crossed her path would often stop, their burdens lightened, their anxieties quieted without knowing why. It was as if her very soul reached out and embraced the aching parts of others.


By the time she was grown, Elara’s gift became undeniable. Her peaceful voice, though soft, carried weight that resonated with everyone who heard it. When she spoke, her words weren’t just heard; they were felt. It wasn’t what she said, but how her presence wrapped each word in calm, quieting storms of doubt and fear in those around her.


Her power wasn’t just in her voice; it was in her touch. A brush of her hand, and the sadness of a loved one vanished, replaced by a serene warmth. She radiated kindness, and those who met her felt an unspoken invitation to let go of what troubled them.


But more than anything, Elara had a way of silencing the unwelcome—whether it was anger, fear, or despair. It wasn’t forced; her emotions simply overwhelmed the negativity, like a gentle breeze pushing away heavy clouds.


She was a beacon of light in dark places, a healer not with potions or prayers, but with the purity of her spirit. Her soul whispered peace to those around her, and in that whisper, people found the strength to carry on, knowing they were not alone in their struggles.


WWW (09/07/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


                                           136.   Redfeather


It was a warm summer morning in the early 1970s, and young William stood by the edge of Redfeather Pond, eyes wide with curiosity. The pond shimmered in the sunlight, and the air smelled of pine and fresh water. He had been waiting for this day for weeks, ever since his father had promised to take him fishing for the first time.

William’s father, a patient man with rough, calloused hands from years of hard work, knelt beside him, showing him how to bait the hook. "It’s not just about catching fish, son," his father said, smiling. "It’s about learning patience, being quiet, and letting the water speak to you."

With clumsy fingers, William copied his father’s movements, finally casting his line into the water. He watched intently, his heart racing with anticipation, not fully understanding the calm his father spoke of but eager for the thrill of the catch.

The first bite came quickly, a small tug on the line. William's eyes lit up as he pulled in his first fish—a small, shimmering creature no bigger than his hand. He grinned with pride as his father patted his back, guiding him on how to gently release it into the bucket.

One fish led to another, and by the time the afternoon sun had started to dip lower in the sky, William had caught eight small fish. Each one seemed like a victory, and though they weren’t the biggest catches, they were more than enough for him. His father smiled as he watched William, knowing the boy had caught more than just fish that day—he had caught the bug.

From that day forward, Redfeather Pond became their sacred spot. Fishing became a bond between William and his father, a quiet escape from the world where they could spend hours on the water, listening to the rustling of the trees and the soft splash of a line in the water. With every new trip, William grew more skilled, but more importantly, he found peace in the rhythm of casting and waiting, of spending time in nature with his father by his side.

The eight small fish were just the beginning of a lifetime of fishing adventures, but for young William, that first day at Redfeather Pond would always be the memory that started it all.


WWW (09/07/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



                                           135.   October's Breath


In October's breath, the leaves take flight,  

A tapestry of amber, gold, and crimson bright.  

Whispers of autumn dance through the trees,  

Nature paints a canvas, swaying in the breeze.


WWW (08/30/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


134.   The Life of a Tree


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© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


                                  133... Contradictory Colors


In a cozy little art studio, a group of paintbrushes sat around a large, blank canvas, each one brimming with excitement. They were eager to create, each holding a unique vision of what they wanted to paint. The round brush wanted a sunny meadow in yellow and green, the flat brush envisioned a deep blue ocean, the fan brush dreamed of painting a bright red sunset, and the fine liner yearned for a delicate pattern of stars.

“Let’s start!” cried the round brush, dipping into a pot of bright yellow. Without hesitation, it swept a wide stroke across the canvas. The flat brush huffed, quickly diving into a pool of rich blue and splashing it over the yellow. “No, no, we need more ocean!” it insisted. The fan brush, not wanting to be left out, twirled into a vibrant red and flung specks of crimson across the blue and yellow, declaring, “We need more sunset!” The fine liner carefully added dots of white for stars, quietly murmuring, “Stars would make it perfect.”

The brushes began to move faster, flinging paint and sweeping colors in a wild dance across the canvas. Yellow mixed with blue to create green; red mingled with blue to form purple. The brushes twirled and spun, laughing and shouting with joy as they splattered and swirled their colors. Paint flew everywhere, landing on the canvas, the studio floor, and even on the brushes themselves.

After much playful chaos, they paused, breathless and splattered with paint. As the colors settled and blended, they looked at their canvas and gasped in delight. Before them was a magnificent rainbow, glowing with all their favorite colors. It stretched across a painted sky, casting a beautiful light.

The brushes beamed with pride. They had created something magical together. And as they admired their colorful masterpiece, they knew that sometimes, the best creations come from a little bit of joyful chaos.


                                     132...Silent Whispers


In a dense, untamed African jungle, there was a small village hidden beneath the canopy. This village was filled with the sounds of a place at odds with itself: the sharp cries of anger, the clash of disputes, and the persistent hum of a community struggling against the wilderness and each other. Amidst this chaos was Amari, a young girl with a gift unlike any other.

Amari was born with a voice so soft that it was scarcely audible, even to those closest to her. She could not speak words like the others; they lingered in her mind as beautiful images and thoughts, but they never transformed into sound. Instead, she heard whispers from somewhere high above, from the heavens, guiding her understanding of the world. The voices she heard filled her with a profound sense of calm, a serene wisdom far beyond her years.

As she grew, Amari discovered that her whispers, though faint and almost imperceptible, could not reach the ears of her villagers. But she did not despair. She began to communicate in other ways—through her eyes, which sparkled with understanding, and through her hands, which moved like delicate leaves in the wind, expressing her feelings and thoughts. Her gestures were graceful, her expressions filled with empathy and kindness, and soon, those around her began to notice.

In the beginning, her whispers were too soft to be heard above the village's turmoil. Yet, her presence was unmistakable. When disputes arose, Amari would appear, her dark eyes wide and full of gentle assurance. She would place a small, delicate hand on a shoulder or look into a pair of troubled eyes with such depth that the anger would slowly begin to dissipate. Her silence spoke volumes, and her calm became infectious.

Amari's way of communicating was gentle and filled with joy, a stark contrast to the rage that often surrounded her. The villagers, hardened by years of conflict and hardship, found themselves inexplicably drawn to this young girl who spoke not with words but with the quiet power of her presence. They began to mimic her motions, listening more, speaking less, finding solace in the silence she offered.

Over the years, as Amari grew into a woman, her peace became a cornerstone of the village's life. Her soft, unspoken words taught them to listen, not just with their ears but with their hearts. The violent outbursts became less frequent, and the disputes were resolved more calmly. The villagers learned to communicate with more than just words, understanding the value of a look, a touch, a shared moment of silence.

As the seasons passed, Amari aged, her presence in the village a constant beacon of tranquility. Even as she grew frail and her hair turned white, her spirit remained unbroken, her whispers still as soft and serene as ever. She moved with a quiet grace, her eyes still full of that same gentle wisdom.

By the time Amari reached the remarkable age of 124, the village had transformed. The violence that once defined it had faded into distant memory. The villagers lived in harmony; their lives were shaped by the silent teachings of a girl who never spoke a word. On her final day, as she lay surrounded by those who loved her, her eyes closed peacefully, and her breath slowed to a whisper. The village held its breath, and in that moment of quiet, they felt a profound sense of peace.

Amari's whispers had ended, but her legacy of gentle communication and quiet strength lived on. In a place once marked by chaos, there was now only peace—a peace that began with the faintest whisper of a young girl in the violent African jungle.


WWW (08/29/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


131. My Voice


When I speak or hold your gaze, 

My hands may tremble, shake, or sway.
It’s not from fear or anxious phase,

But a rhythm that won’t fade away.

My voice may waver, slightly dance,
A quiver not of nerves, but chance.
It’s a movement that I embrace,
A quiet truth, not out of place.

Though it may seem that I am strained,
Or that I’m holding back in vain,

It’s simply how my body’s made,
A gentle tremor that won’t fade.

Imagine if you will, a breeze,
That rustles leaves with subtle ease.
It’s not the storm that shakes the trees,
But a whisper carried on the breeze.

So, if you notice, pause, and see,
This shake is part of who I be

It doesn’t speak of fear or dread,
But of a life where I am led.

In calm and grace, my spirit stands,
With every tremor, every hand.
This is my truth, not a disguise,
A gentle dance beneath the skies.

With understanding, I hope you find,

This tremor’s not of anxious mind.

It’s simply me, in every way,
A part of who I am today.


WWW (08/28/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



                              130.   Whispers in the Sky


William stood at the base of the shimmering portal, heart racing in a rhythm only nervous excitement could compose. He adjusted his tie—an old habit, even though the interstellar travel suit he wore had no tie at all. This was it: his first trip to Andromeda, the galaxy of dreams, of vibrant hues, and of course, where his blind date awaited. He chuckled to himself, the pun unintended—she was literally blind, after all. A mutual friend had set this up, claiming they were a perfect match. “She’ll show you the unseen wonders of Andromeda,” the friend had said with a twinkle in his eye. William wondered if this was another one of those “special” setups that usually ended in awkward silence and long-distance excuses.


“Prepare for departure,” a melodious voice chimed from the portal’s entrance. The attendant, a being with translucent skin that shimmered with a kaleidoscope of colors, smiled warmly at him. “You’re going to love it there, sir. Andromeda is… beyond imagination.”


William took a deep breath and stepped through the portal, his body tingling as reality bent around him. For a split second, he felt like a drop of paint splashing into a cosmic canvas, colors and sensations exploding in his mind. And then, just as quickly, it was over. He blinked, and the world came into focus—a world unlike any he had ever seen.


Andromeda was alive with color. The sky was a deep indigo, but it shimmered with streaks of emerald, ruby, and gold, like an endless aurora borealis. The air itself seemed to hum with energy, and the ground beneath his feet felt like soft, velvet grass that pulsated gently as if breathing. Flowers the size of his head bobbed cheerfully along the roadside, their petals glowing softly in shades of turquoise and magenta. And there, standing just a few paces away, was his date.


She was strikingly beautiful, with hair that cascaded like liquid silver and skin the color of sun-kissed caramel. Her eyes, though unseeing, were a mesmerizing shade of lavender. She wore a dress that seemed woven from the very stars themselves, twinkling with every movement. She smiled as he approached, her head tilting slightly to one side as if listening to a tune only she could hear.


“William?” she asked, her voice soft yet filled with a playful curiosity.


“Yes, that’s me,” he replied, suddenly feeling a little more at ease. “And you must be Aria?”


“That’s right,” she said, extending a hand. Her touch was warm and grounding, a stark contrast to the surreal world around them. “Welcome to Andromeda. I’m so glad you decided to come.”


“Well, I’ve always been up for an adventure,” William grinned. “And this place certainly seems… adventurous.”


Aria laughed, a sound like tinkling glass. “You have no idea. But don’t worry, I’ll be your guide. Shall we?”


They started walking down the cobblestone path that seemed to twist and turn with a life of its own, leading them deeper into a bustling market. Stalls lined the streets, each one more bizarre and wonderful than the last. One vendor was selling clouds in glass jars, each cloud a different flavor. Another offered pocket-sized galaxies in ornate crystal orbs. A little further down, a group of musicians played instruments made from what looked like beams of light, the notes hanging in the air like glowing fireflies.


“Want to try some cloud candy?” Aria asked, pointing to the vendor with a playful smile.


William hesitated for a moment. “Why not?” he said, embracing the spirit of the day.


The vendor handed him a jar with a smile. “This one’s marshmallow rain,” he said. William unscrewed the lid, and, to his surprise, a tiny puff of cloud floated out, gently bumping into his face. He opened his mouth to laugh, and the cloud melted on his tongue, tasting like the sweetest, fluffiest marshmallow he’d ever eaten.


“Wow, that’s incredible!” he exclaimed, and Aria giggled.


“Just wait until you try the lemon thunder,” she teased.


They continued exploring, with Aria leading the way. She seemed to know everyone, greeting each creature and person with warmth and familiarity. William watched her with fascination. Though she was blind, she moved with a confidence and grace that suggested she saw more than he ever could.


“So, what do you do, William?” Aria asked as they passed by a fountain that spouted shimmering, color-changing water.


“I’m a poet,” he replied, watching as a group of children—three-eyed and covered in scales—splashed joyfully in the water. “I write stories and poems, mostly.”


“Ah, a man of words,” Aria said, smiling. “You must see the world in a very unique way.”


“I try to,” he said. “But I think you’ve got me beat. You seem to know everyone here, and you move like you’re dancing.”


“It’s all about listening,” Aria replied. “Everything here has its own music, its own rhythm. Once you learn to hear it, it’s easy to find your way.”


William found himself captivated by her words. There was something almost magical about her perspective—a way of seeing the world without sight, of hearing stories in the silence. As they walked, Aria began telling him tales of Andromeda. She spoke of the Sea of Dreams, where the water was made of liquid imagination and swimmers could dive into their own fantasies. She described the Forest of Whispers, where the trees spoke in hushed tones, sharing secrets with those who listened.


As she spoke, they wandered further, arriving at a large, open field. The ground was covered with giant, soft dandelions that glowed in the twilight. “This is my favorite place,” Aria said, her voice dropping to a whisper. “It’s called the Field of Wishes. Each dandelion here is a wish that’s waiting to come true.”


“Really?” William asked, looking around in wonder. “How do they work?”


“You just pluck one, think of your wish, and blow,” she said, demonstrating with a graceful motion. The dandelion fluff scattered into the air, twinkling like tiny stars before vanishing.


William plucked a dandelion and closed his eyes, thinking hard. I wish for a great story to tell, he thought, and blew. The fluff danced in the air around him, sparkling as it disappeared.


Suddenly, the ground beneath them rumbled. “Oh, looks like you’ve awakened the Wish Wyrms,” Aria said with a grin.


“The what now?” William barely had time to ask before the ground split open, and a swarm of small, dragon-like creatures, each no bigger than a cat, erupted from the earth. They were covered in scales that glittered in all the colors of the rainbow, and their tiny wings flapped furiously as they soared around, chasing the dandelion fluff.


“Don’t worry,” Aria said, laughing at William’s wide-eyed expression. “They’re harmless. They just love the dandelions. It’s like catnip to them.”


William couldn’t help but laugh as well, the absurdity of the situation hitting him all at once. Here he was, on a blind date with a blind woman in a galaxy far, far away, being chased by rainbow-colored dragonets. “I’ve got to admit,” he said, dodging a particularly enthusiastic wyrm, “this is the most interesting date I’ve ever been on.”


They spent the next few minutes playing with the wyrms, who seemed to enjoy the game as much as they did. William even managed to catch one and hold it for a moment. It was warm in his hands, its scales smooth and cool, and it chirped happily before wriggling free and flying off again.


After the wyrms had finally tired themselves out and disappeared back into the ground, William and Aria lay down in the field, catching their breath. The sky above was a riot of colors now, the sun setting in a spectacular display of violet, orange, and pink.


“This place is incredible,” William said softly, staring up at the sky.


“It is,” Aria agreed. “And there’s so much more to see. So many stories waiting to be told.”


“Maybe I could write some of them down,” William mused. “If you don’t mind.”


“I’d like that,” Aria said, turning her head to him with a smile. “I’d like that a lot.”


They lay there in companionable silence for a while, just watching the sky and listening to the gentle hum of the world around them. William felt a warmth in his chest, a sense of contentment and wonder that he hadn’t felt in a long time. He realized he was genuinely happy—something he hadn’t expected from a blind date in a galaxy millions of light-years away.


As the stars began to twinkle into view, Aria sat up and stretched. “Come on,” she said, offering him a hand. “There’s one more place I want to show you.”


They walked back toward the city, the lights twinkling in the distance like a thousand tiny jewels. Aria led him down a narrow alley, and William wondered what new surprise awaited them. They emerged into a small courtyard, and William gasped.


Before them was a tree—an enormous, ancient tree with a trunk as wide as a house. Its leaves glowed softly, casting a warm, golden light that filled the courtyard. Hanging from its branches were hundreds of tiny lanterns, each one containing a different-colored flame. The flames flickered and danced as if alive, casting playful shadows on the ground.


“This is the Tree of Stories,” Aria said softly. “Each lantern represents a different tale. If you listen closely, you can hear them.”


William closed his eyes and listened. At first, he heard only the soft rustling of the leaves. But then, slowly, he began to hear it—a soft murmur of voices, like a distant whisper. Stories of love and loss, of adventure and discovery, of joy and sorrow. Each one unique, yet all connected by the branches of the great tree.


“It’s beautiful,” he whispered, opening his eyes to look at Aria. “Thank you for showing me this.”


Aria smiled, her eyes twinkling with the light of a thousand stories. “Thank you for coming,” she said. “And for listening. Not everyone does.”


They stood there for a while, just listening to the stories and watching the lanterns flicker in the night. William felt a sense of peace wash over him, a feeling of being exactly where he was meant to be.


As they finally turned to leave, William knew that this was a story he would cherish forever—a story of colors and music, of laughter and wonder, and of a blind date that had opened his eyes to a whole new world.


WWW (08/28/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

129.   Whispers of the Wind in the Darkness

This art is hand painted by Anne Thouthip, A local Loveland artist, whose work can be found on Facebook.


The air moves swiftly, like a ghostly breath,
It whips past hearts in fleeting, silent flight,
A touch unseen, yet felt as near as death,
In that dark moment when we close our sight.

In a second’s blink, and all the world is gone,
Replaced by shadows, deep and dark as night,
No stars, no moon, no hint of coming dawn,
Just voids that dance in whispers out of sight.

Yet in that space, where breath and thought suspend,
The wind is felt more deeply than before,
A fleeting touch, a lover’s swift descent,
That stirs the soul down to its very core.

In darkness brief, the world becomes a sigh,
A breath of wind that moves, then passes by.


WWW (08/27/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


128.  Sprouts of the Birch

This art is hand painted by Anne Thouthip, A local Loveland artist, whose work can be found on Facebook.

In a puddle of mud, where the river flows,
Life stirs gently in the earth's shadow.
A tender sprout, so small, so bright,
A birch begins its climb to light.
The river roars with a mighty sound,
Its waters crash, its currents pound,
Yet from the mire, the birch stands tall,
Rooted deep, it defies it all.
Leaves unfurl in the storm’s embrace,
A delicate dance, a steady grace.
The birch leans into the wind's fierce cry,
Holding firm as the waters fly.
Drops of rain, like tears, they fall,
But the birch hears a higher call.
Each gust, a challenge, each wave, a test,
Yet it grows and sways, never at rest.
From mud and mire, strength takes flight,
In the darkest hours, it finds its light.
Through torrents wild, it carves its way,
A sprout of the birch, night, and day.
In the heart of storms, it learns to grow,
In nature’s dance, it bends but won’t bow.
For even from mud, a beauty blooms,
A birch tree rises against the river’s doom.
Oh, in the shadow of the river’s rage,
Life finds a way, writes its own page.
From a puddle of mud to the open skies,
A birch tree’s spirit never dies.


WWW (08/26/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


127.   Whitecaps at the Bend

This art is hand painted by Anne Thouthip, A local Loveland artist, whose work can be found on Facebook.


I see a stream with whitecaps at the bend,
Its waters dance and crash in a wild embrace,
Along the banks, the bushes softly blend,
In whispers of green, they frame this tranquil place.

The day is gray, with clouds in sullen skies,
Yet beauty lingers in the muted light,
The stream flows on, beneath the heavens’ sighs,
A silver ribbon in the dimming sight.

The rush of water speaks of tales untold,
Of journeys past the bend, where secrets lie,
Through shadows deep, and bursts of light so bold,
It weaves its course beneath a watchful eye.

Oh, nature’s breath upon this somber day,
A whispered promise of a brighter way.


WWW (08/25/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



                                      126.   To Keep the Peace


A mirror stands, bathed in the sun's soft glow,
Dusted with colors where warm hues flow.
In ancient Thailand, where whispers remain,
Elders’ voices speak through time’s refrain.

"Keep the peace," they murmur, wise and low,
As humanity's currents gently flow.
Tall temples reflect in the mirror’s gaze,
Stories of old in the quiet haze.

The past breathes here, in the golden light,
A reminder to hold peace tight.
As people pass, in silence they heed,
The timeless message, a sacred creed.

In this land, where history meets the sky,
The mirror watches as life rolls by.


WWW (08/16/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

125.   Make Art


In a world where no form of art existed, Earth was a place of practicality and efficiency. The people lived their lives in a rigid routine, their days filled with work and survival. The landscape, though rich with natural beauty, felt empty and cold without any expressions of creativity. Buildings were constructed with no thought for aesthetics, purely functional and uniform. The walls were bare, the streets silent, and the people moved with a mechanical rhythm, their faces devoid of emotion, their voices monotone and factual.

There were no songs to lift the spirit, no paintings to stir the soul, no dances to celebrate life. Life was a series of tasks to be completed, and though people survived, they did not truly live. The absence of art left the world colorless and silent, a place where joy and sorrow had no outlet, and love had no form. Relationships were built on necessity, not affection, and communities were bound by duty, not shared experiences. The world was gray, a place where creativity had never been known, and thus, it was never missed.

But in the heavens, a great being looked down upon this world and saw the emptiness that pervaded every corner of human existence. This being, who had witnessed the beauty of creation, the vibrancy of life in other realms, decided it was time to change this. And so, after thousands of years, a message was dropped from the heavens, a small, simple scroll that landed gently in the center of a bustling city.

The scroll was discovered by a curious child who brought it to the elders. The message inside was short and cryptic, written in a language that had never been seen before. After much deliberation, they deciphered it: "Make Art." Along with these two words were vague directions that seemed to describe actions and materials, but their meaning was unclear.

At first, the people were puzzled. What did it mean to "Make Art"? They had no concept of what art was. But something in the message sparked a curiosity, a desire to explore this unknown territory. Slowly, they began to experiment. They took the materials they had used only for building and survival and began to manipulate them in new ways. They played with shapes, colors, and sounds, trying to understand what the message could mean.

One day, a woman dipped her fingers into a pool of colored mud and smeared it across a flat surface, creating the first crude painting. Another, inspired by the message, began to hum, and soon others joined, their voices creating the first song. A child, imitating the natural rhythms of the world around him, began to move in a way that wasn’t just for walking or working but was expressive and fluid—the first dance.

As these new forms of expression emerged, the world began to change. The gray walls of the buildings were soon covered in vibrant murals. Songs filled the air, and people gathered not just to work, but to listen, to share, and to feel. Communities came alive with festivals, where dancing and music brought joy and connection. The once cold and silent world was now brimming with color, sound, and movement.

Art brought life to the people. It allowed them to express emotions they had never understood, to connect with each other on a deeper level, and to see the beauty in the world around them. Relationships flourished, communities grew stronger, and life became not just about survival but about living fully, experiencing the highs and lows with newfound depth.

In the end, the simple message from the heavens had transformed Earth. Art had awakened the human spirit, bringing color, joy, and meaning to a world that had once been gray and silent. The world was no longer just a place to exist; it had become a place to truly live.


WWW (08/18/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

124.   She Breathes


In the quiet sanctuary of her small studio, Anya felt the world outside fade away as she stood before a blank canvas. The warm glow of the lamp above cast a soft light on the room, making the colors on her palette shimmer with possibility. This time, the painting felt different—more intimate, more profound. It was as if the image waiting to be revealed had always been within her, waiting for the right moment to emerge.

With each brushstroke, a figure began to take shape. The woman in the painting, though unnamed at first, became Annie as the details of her form emerged. Her hair flowed in golden waves, cascading down her shoulders like liquid sunlight. Her eyes sparkled with an inner light, deep and knowing, as though they held the secrets of the universe. There was a softness to her expression, a gentle smile that seemed to invite anyone who looked upon her into her world. Every detail was meticulously crafted, from the curve of her lips to the slight tilt of her head, as if Anya were revealing Annie’s true essence rather than creating it from nothing.

As she painted, the connection between Anya and Annie grew stronger. Hours slipped away unnoticed; the outside world forgotten. Her focus was entirely on Annie, on bringing her to life with each stroke of the brush. Finally, as dawn began to break and the first rays of sunlight filtered through the window, Anya took a step back to admire her work.

Annie was breathtaking, more beautiful than anything Anya had ever created. The colors on the canvas seemed to breathe, her form almost glowing with life. It was as if Annie might step out of the painting at any moment and speak to her. And then, to Anya’s astonishment, she did.

A soft whisper broke the stillness of the room. Anya glanced around, startled, but saw no one. The whisper came again, and this time, she realized it was coming from the painting itself.

"Thank you," Annie’s voice was gentle, like a breeze rustling through the trees. "You have given me life, freed me from the darkness of the bottles. Now, I can breathe, I can see, I can exist beyond the confines of the canvas."

Anya stood frozen, heart pounding. "You're... alive?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"In a way," Annie replied, her eyes locking with Anya's, filled with warmth and understanding. "I am the embodiment of your love, your passion, your creativity. Through your hands, you have given me form, and for that, I am eternally grateful."

Tears welled in Anya’s eyes as the enormity of what she had done washed over her. Annie wasn’t just a painting; she was a part of Anya, brought to life through her art. Annie’s smile, so full of gratitude, reassured her that she would always be with her, as much a part of her soul as she was of Annie’s. Anya hadn’t just created a masterpiece; she had brought something to life—something beautiful and profound, a testament to the power of creativity and love.


WWW (08/17/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

123.   Pliable Moments


In a quaint, dimly lit studio nestled in the heart of a small village, an old man sat at his clay wheel, his gnarled hands moving rhythmically over a mound of wet clay. His name was Samuel, and he had spent decades perfecting his craft, shaping delicate vases, intricate sculptures, and beautiful pottery. Yet, today, he felt a deep yearning to create something different, something that carried the essence of life itself.

As Samuel worked, his hands moved with a grace and precision that belied his age. The clay responded to his touch, forming a shape that seemed to breathe with its own life. He became so engrossed in his work that he lost track of time. The world around him faded, leaving only the soft hum of the wheel and the cool, earthy scent of the clay.

Suddenly, Samuel felt a strange sensation. The clay beneath his fingers seemed to grow warmer, softer, almost as if it were alive. Before he could react, he felt himself being pulled into the clay, his body dissolving into the smooth, pliable material. He didn’t resist; instead, he surrendered to the sensation, allowing the clay to envelop him completely.

When Samuel opened his eyes, he was no longer in his studio. Instead, he found himself standing at the edge of a sparkling stream, the sun warming his youthful skin. He looked down at his hands, now small and unlined, and realized he was a young boy again. In his hands, he held a brush, dripping with vibrant colors. Before him lay a collection of smooth stones, waiting to be painted.

Samuel laughed with the pure, unbridled joy of a child as he dipped his brush into the paint and began to decorate the stones. Each stroke of color brought the stones to life, turning them into tiny masterpieces. The days passed in a blur of laughter, creativity, and exploration. He painted by the stream, waded through its cool waters, and basked in the simple pleasures of childhood.

Years flowed by like the gentle current of the stream, and Samuel grew older. Yet, his love for painting never waned. He returned to the stream often, his hands now weathered but still steady and continued to adorn the stones with the colors of his imagination. It was on one such day, when the sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the world, that Samuel felt a familiar pull.

He had become so absorbed in his painting that he didn’t notice when he slipped into the stream. The water embraced him, cool and soothing, and he felt himself being carried away, not by the current, but by a force beyond his control.

When Samuel emerged, he found himself back in his old clay studio, but something was different. He was no longer the old man he remembered. Instead, he was a boy again, standing at the clay wheel, his hands eager to shape the world anew.

This time, as Samuel worked with the clay, he did so with the wonder and excitement of a child, but with the wisdom of a lifetime. He knew every curve, every texture, and every possibility the clay held. He remembered the joy of painting by the stream, the laughter, the sun on his face, and he infused each piece with that same joy.

Life had come full circle, offering Samuel the chance to relive the moments he cherished most. He crafted with the exuberance of youth and the patience of age, knowing that every creation was a gift, not just to the world, but to himself. The memories he thought were lost had returned, vibrant and alive, reminding him that life, in all its cycles, was truly wonderful.


WWW (08/16/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

122.   A Bristled Affair


The Skybrush


In skies of azure, dreams and day unfold,
A brush that dances where the breezes play,
It yearns to touch the sun’s bright rays of gold,
And paint the canvas of the waking day.

Yet troubled in its bristles, thoughts collide,
Should it adorn with morning’s blush so fair,
Or capture twilight’s dusky, quiet tide?
Such choice bewilders with its vast despair.

It twists in mid-air, eager but unsure,
A swirl of hues both deep and soft to see,
And wonders if its vision can endure—
To paint the sky or blend into the sea.

But in its dance, a hint of truth is gleaned,
That azure dreams and ocean’s depths are sheened.


The Seabrush


The sea’s embrace in shades both dark and bright,
A brush that drips where waves and foamy swirls,
It longs to capture moonlit tides at night,
Or paint the daylight in its azure curls.

Yet in confusion, every stroke it weaves,
Should it caress the deep or gentle shore?
It twists and turns, its bristles near to grieve,
Unsure if its true vision can restore.

Yet as it wavers, mingles with the sky,
It finds a softness in the blending hues,
Where sea and sky in harmony can lie,
Their colors touch and gently diffuse.

In their playful clash, a bond is formed so neat,
Where sky and sea in shades of blue complete.


WWW (08/16/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


121.   Carelessly Rushed


In the sprawling meadow of the mind, two thoughts danced in pursuit of the same distant horizon. Careless, a wispy cloud of lavender and gold floated leisurely through the azure expanse. Rushed, a comet of electric blue and crimson, zipped past like a shooting star.

Careless, meandered on a path woven with dandelion fluff and morning dew, savoring every petal and butterfly along the way. Each breath she took was a slow inhalation of wildflower perfume, every pause a gentle breeze rustling through sunlit leaves. “Why hurry?” she mused, twirling in the soft sunlight. “Look at the colors, listen to the whispers of the breeze.”

Rushed, on the other hand, blazed forward with a thunderous roar, a streak of neon light against a canvas of storm clouds. Her path was a blur of jagged lightning and rushing wind, every breath a sharp gust that cut through the air like a scythe. “Time is slipping away!” she called out, her voice a piercing crackle. “We must seize the moment before it’s gone!”

Careless, glanced at Rushed’s fleeting trail and sighed softly. “Why do you push so hard? The journey is as beautiful as the destination.”

Rushed, barely pausing, shot a quick reply over her shoulder. “There’s no time for beauty when the finish line beckons so insistently.”

The meadow echoed with the clash of their contrasting energies. Careless floated gently, savoring the pastel hues of dusk, while Rushed streaked through the twilight, leaving a trail of vivid, ephemeral sparks. They were bound for the same destination, yet each step was a testament to their distinct rhythms.

The horizon remained a silent witness, its mysteries locked away as Careless and Rushed continued their paths, each breath a testament to their unique journeys. The mind’s sky was alive with their colorful race, a reminder that sometimes, the destination is reached not just by arrival, but by the way we choose to traverse the space between.


WWW (08/15/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

120.   Strange Hope


In a small, gloomy village where shadows seemed to stretch endlessly, a young boy named Liam lived, burdened by the weight of the hatred and fear that filled his surroundings. The laughter of his youth had been stifled by the harshness of the world around him, and his heart ached with a longing for something more—something different.

One day, unable to bear the darkness any longer, Liam set out on a journey, hoping to find a place where peace and joy could thrive. He walked along a broken stone path that led away from the village, the only sound was the crunch of gravel beneath his feet. The air was thick with a fog that seemed to swallow the light, making the world around him appear even more dismal.

As Liam continued, he noticed a figure in the distance, shrouded in the mist. Curious and desperate for answers, he quickened his pace, hoping to catch up with the stranger. But as he hurried, the path beneath him disappeared, and he found himself lost in the swirling fog.

Just as despair began to creep in, Liam noticed something on the ground—a trail of seeds, tiny but distinct, leading deeper into the fog. He followed them, and as he did, something miraculous began to happen. The seeds sprouted, growing taller and stronger with each step he took, until they blossomed into a magnificent forest of sunflowers, their golden heads turned towards him in welcome.

Sunflowers were his favorite, a symbol of hope and warmth, and the sight of them filled his heart with a long-forgotten joy. He continued to follow the trail, and as the fog began to lift, he saw the figure more clearly.

Finally, he stood before the stranger, now only a few steps away. As the fog parted, Liam gasped in surprise. The figure was himself—an older, happier version, radiating the peace and contentment he had always longed for.

The future Liam smiled warmly, and though no words were spoken, a deep understanding passed between them. The boy realized that the seeds of peace and happiness were within him all along, waiting to be nurtured and grown. He knew now that his path was not set by the darkness of his village, but by the light he could cultivate within himself.

With newfound resolve, Liam turned back through the sunflower forest, the fog lifting behind him. As he returned to his village, the weight in his heart had vanished, replaced by a calm and quiet determination. He would bring peace to his home, not through force, but by being the light that could guide others out of their darkness.

And so, the once-dreary boy became a beacon of hope, knowing that his abilities were his alone, and with them, he could change the world around him.


WWW (08/14/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

119.   Autumn's Breath

In a small, quaint village nestled between rolling hills and ancient forests, there lived a woman named Elara. Her life was simple but filled with the quiet joys of nature. Each day, she would walk along the winding paths that led through the woods, her senses attuned to the subtle changes of the seasons.

As summer gave way to autumn, Elara felt a deep peace settle within her. The air grew crisp, and the vibrant greens of the forest began to blush with shades of red, orange, and gold. It was her favorite time of year—a season of transition, of letting go and finding solace in the quiet beauty that surrounded her.

One afternoon, Elara found herself drawn to a secluded clearing she had discovered years ago. It was a place of serenity, where the world seemed to slow down, and all her worries would melt away. As she stepped into the clearing, she noticed the first crimson leaves gently descending from the tall oaks and maples that circled the area.

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes to savor the moment. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it the cool breath of autumn, a soothing reminder of the cycle of life. Opening her eyes, she watched as the leaves continued to fall, each one a delicate dancer in the air.

Crimson leaves descend, whispers of the cooling breeze, Autumn's breath of peace.

The words came to her mind unbidden, a haiku that perfectly captured the essence of the moment. Elara smiled, feeling a deep connection to the world around her, as if the earth itself had whispered those words into her soul.

She sat down on a blanket of leaves, embracing the stillness. In that clearing, surrounded by the gentle embrace of autumn, Elara felt truly loved by the world.


WWW (08/10/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

118.   Not Yet Forgotten


Under the sprawling canopy of an ancient oak tree, William sat, his heart heavy with the burden of a lifetime’s work. His hands, once nimble and strong, now bore the marks of time, rough and calloused from decades spent authoring stories, crafting poems, and painting the world as he saw it. The oak tree had been his constant companion, a silent sentinel that had watched over him as he poured his soul into his art. Yet, despite the passion and love he infused into every piece, the world around him remained dishearteningly silent.

His family and friends, though kind in their way, offered no words of encouragement, no acknowledgment of his tireless efforts. They passed by his paintings with indifferent eyes, skimmed over his poems without a second thought. Their silence echoed in the quiet corners of his home, where his work hung on the walls, unseen, and his stories lay in dusty stacks, unread. It wasn’t that they didn’t care—they simply didn’t see what he saw in his creations.

But there were two who did. Two friends who stood by him through the years, who saw the beauty in his art, the depth in his words. They alone recognized the brilliance of his work, and their unwavering support was a beacon in the dark sea of indifference. Yet, even their voices, full of praise and encouragement, could not completely erase the sting of being overlooked by the rest of the world.

As the years slipped by, William’s hope began to wane. His hair turned gray, his movements slower, and his once-bright eyes grew dim with the weight of unfulfilled dreams. His home, filled with the fruits of his labor, became a place of quiet resignation. The oak tree, once a symbol of strength and creativity, now mirrored his own aging body, its branches growing thinner, its leaves falling with the changing seasons.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, William felt a deep weariness settle in his bones. He knew his time was nearing an end. With earnest effort, he made his way to his bed, the pages of his life’s work surrounding him like old friends. As he lay there, a thought suddenly pierced the fog of his mind—something he had overlooked, something so simple, yet so significant.

He had never truly shared his work with the world. Not in the way that mattered. With trembling hands, he reached for his laptop, navigating slowly through the familiar pages of his digital gallery. His breath caught as he realized his mistake—he had never turned on the like notification buttons. He had been sharing his work, but in his haste to protect it, he had forgotten to let others respond.

His fingers moved quickly now, enabling the settings that would allow his work to be seen and appreciated. For a moment, there was nothing but silence, the same silence that had followed him for so many years. But then, the notifications began to pour in. Messages of admiration, of love, of recognition from people he had never met, flooded his screen.

Tears welled up in William’s eyes as he watched the outpouring of affection. His two faithful friends had been right all along—his work was beautiful, and now the world knew it too. He smiled, a deep sense of peace washing over him. The love he had longed for was finally his.

As he closed his eyes for the last time, William felt the weight lift from his heart. He was loved, genuinely loved, and he could finally rest, knowing that his life’s work had touched the world. The oak tree outside swayed gently in the evening breeze, as if bidding him farewell, and with that, William drifted into a peaceful slumber, his soul at ease.


WWW (08/09/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


117.   Nature's Kaleidoscope


With paper, twigs, and leaves, I craft a scene,
A kaleidoscope of nature’s tender grace,
Where vibrant hues and textures, fresh and green,
Compose a world where beauty finds its place.

Each petal, feather, stone, a piece of art,
Collected from the forest’s gentle hand,
Transforms within the bounds of my own heart,
A testament to life's uncharted land.

In patterns, shifting like the morning light,
A symphony of colors softly plays,
Reflecting nature’s splendor, pure and bright,
In every turn, a dance of passing days.

Through nature's lens, my soul begins to see,
The boundless beauty in simplicity.


Simplistic Kaleidoscopes


Paper, twigs, and leaves,
Nature’s colors intertwined,
Art in purest form.


Forest’s tender gifts,
Crafted in a gentle hand,
Nature’s tale unfolds.


Petals and feathers,
Mosaic of earth and sky,
Kaleidoscope dreams.


Textures blend and weave,
In each turn, new hues appear,
Nature’s art revealed.


Simple treasures found,
In nature’s embrace, they shine,
Beauty’s truth displayed.


WWW (08/05/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

116.   The Fortunate One

William sat alone in his study, the sunlight streaming through the window casting a warm glow across the room. His desk was cluttered with papers, each filled with his scribbled thoughts, poems, and fragments of stories waiting to be woven into something whole. He leaned back in his chair, eyes drifting from his work to the large window that offered a view of the garden outside.

It was a quiet afternoon, the kind that invited reflection and reverie. As he gazed out, something unusual caught his eye. A group of colorful birds, more vibrant than any he had ever seen, seemed to hang in mid-air, their wings outstretched but motionless. They appeared to be suspended by invisible strings, swaying gently with the breeze that carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers into the room.

William rubbed his eyes, certain that fatigue must be playing tricks on him. Yet when he looked again, the birds were still there, a kaleidoscope of feathers glinting in the sunlight. He rose from his chair and walked closer to the window, his heart quickening with a mix of wonder and disbelief.

He watched as the birds continued to swing, their bodies utterly still save for the slight movement granted by the wind. Their beady eyes seemed to meet his, and in that moment, he felt a strange connection, as if the birds were aware of his presence and were inviting him into their silent dance.

"Am I the fortunate one?" William mused aloud, his voice breaking the silence of the room. "Or is this some kind of illusion meant only for my eyes?"

He reached for his notebook, determined to capture the scene before it slipped away like so many fleeting inspirations. His pen moved swiftly across the page, words flowing as naturally as the breeze that stirred the birds.

"I sit in my room, alone but for the company of these colorful sentinels. They swing in the air as if by a string, motionless but for the breath of the wind that guides them. They are my secret, my silent companions in this moment of stillness. I am the only one who sees them, and in this solitude, I find a curious joy."

William paused, looking up from his writing to the birds once more. Their presence brought a sense of peace, a reminder of the beauty and mystery that the world held even in its quietest corners. He knew that when he shared this story, some might dismiss it as a mere figment of his imagination. But to him, it was a gift—a reminder that there were still wonders to be found, even when he least expected them.

With a contented sigh, he returned to his desk, his heart lighter and his mind filled with new inspiration. The birds outside continued their gentle dance, a secret shared between them and the poet who had the fortune to see them.


WWW (08/02/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

115.   August's Embrace


In August's grasp, the sun's embrace,
A fiery glow in endless space.
The air is thick, the shadows lean,
In summer's golden, hazy sheen.

The earth, it trembles, scorched and dry,
Beneath the deep cerulean sky.
Leaves whisper tales of heat and light,
Of days that blend from dawn to night.

The rivers slow, their currents weak,
As nature finds its lazy streak.
In August's heat, the world unwinds,
A sultry dance, the season binds.

Yet in the warmth, a silent cheer,
A promise of the fall draws near.
For in the heart of summer's blaze,
Lie hints of cooler, softer days.


WWW (08/01/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

114.   Her Gift


In a quaint village, an artist without a name quietly wove her magic. She painted the world with colors of kindness and tended to the elderly with tender care. Her heart, pure and unwavering, shone through every selfless act. She asked for nothing in return, finding joy in giving without thought for herself. Her art spoke of love and compassion, a silent testament to her boundless generosity.

By her side was a playful dog, adored by all. The dog brought laughter and warmth, bounding through the village with joy. Together, they created a haven of love and light, teaching the true essence of humanity and the beauty of a heart that gives freely.


WWW (07/30/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

113.   The Timeless Healer



Prologue: A Birth in the Shadows

In the year 975, in a small village nestled in the heart of the Carolingian Empire, a boy named Aelric was born. From his earliest days, he was different—his eyes seemed to hold the weight of centuries, and his mind was a vast, uncharted landscape. The villagers whispered that he was destined for greatness, yet no one could have fathomed the extraordinary journey that lay ahead of him.

The Medieval Healer

Aelric's fascination with the natural world began early. By the time he was fifteen, he had apprenticed himself to the village healer, learning the ancient arts of herbal remedies, bloodletting, and mystical rituals. His mentor, an aged woman named Elys, recognized his potential, and entrusted him with her most guarded secrets.

One evening, under the flickering light of a tallow candle, Elys showed Aelric a crumbling manuscript. "This," she whispered, "is the knowledge of the ancients, passed down through generations. You must protect it."

Aelric vowed to do so, and as he delved into the manuscript, he discovered a hidden truth—it contained prophecies and knowledge far beyond their time. The manuscript hinted at the works of Hippocrates and Galen; the foundation of medical knowledge that had been largely forgotten.

The Renaissance Awakening

As the years passed, Aelric's understanding deepened. By the time he reached his thirties, Europe was on the brink of the Renaissance. He traveled to the great cities of the age—Florence, Venice, and Rome—disguised as a humble physician. There, he encountered the works of Andreas Vesalius and Paracelsus, who were revolutionizing the field of anatomy and chemistry.

Aelric watched as Vesalius dissected human bodies, unveiling the intricate mechanics within. He saw Paracelsus use chemicals to cure ailments that had once been deemed incurable. Inspired, Aelric began to experiment, blending ancient wisdom with newfound knowledge.

He traveled under the name "The Lowly Medicine Man," leaving behind only cryptic notes signed with a simple "A." He avoided the spotlight, and his discoveries were often attributed to the more prominent figures of the time. Yet, his influence was undeniable, as he quietly nudged the world toward scientific enlightenment.


The Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution

The 17th and 18th centuries brought about the Enlightenment, a period of immense scientific progress. Aelric, now appearing as a middle-aged man despite his true age, found himself in the bustling streets of London. He immersed himself in the burgeoning fields of observation and evidence-based medicine.

He met Edward Jenner and observed the first successful smallpox vaccination. The sight of a child being spared from the deadly disease moved Aelric deeply. He provided anonymous funding for Jenner's further research, ensuring the vaccine's spread.

Aelric also encountered Joseph Lister, who championed antiseptic surgery. Watching Lister save lives with carbolic acid, Aelric understood the importance of hygiene and sanitation. He wrote treatises on the subject, distributed under pseudonyms, guiding medical practice forward.

The Dawn of Modern Medicine

The 19th and early 20th centuries saw rapid advancements. Aelric, now known as Dr. Elias Gray was a familiar yet mysterious figure in medical circles. He witnessed the development of germ theory by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. He corresponded secretly with Pasteur, sharing insights that would later be attributed to the great scientist.

Aelric saw the introduction of anesthesia and the transformation of surgery from a barbaric practice to a sophisticated science. He provided unseen guidance to pioneers like William Morton, the first to use ether in surgery.

During the American Civil War, Dr. Gray served as an anonymous benefactor, supplying Union and Confederate medics with crucial information on battlefield medicine. His contributions remained uncredited, yet they saved countless lives.


The 20th Century Surge

The 20th century was a whirlwind of innovation. Aelric, still as Dr. Elias Gray watched the world embrace antibiotics, insulin, and other life-saving medications. He saw the horrors of two World Wars and worked tirelessly to improve battlefield medicine, often under assumed identities.

In the 1950s, he advised the team that developed the polio vaccine, though his name was never mentioned. He championed the use of advanced imaging techniques, such as MRI and CT scans, guiding their inventors from the shadows.

The rise of specialization in medicine fascinated him. He delved into cardiology, oncology, and neurology, ensuring the latest research was accurate and impactful. He remained a silent guardian, his contributions cloaked in anonymity.


The Digital Age and Beyond

The 21st century brought challenges and opportunities Aelric could scarcely have imagined. Now living as Dr. Alistair Cain embraced the digital revolution, using technology to advance medical research. Telemedicine and genomic medicine fascinated him, as he saw the potential to reach and heal more people than ever before.

In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Cain's research into vaccines and treatments proved pivotal. He worked with global health organizations, always behind the scenes, his name never appearing in the headlines.


 The Final Gift

As the year 2129 approached, Aelric, now known as Dr. Alex Harper felt his time drawing to a close. He had lived for over a millennium, witnessing the evolution of medicine from its mystical roots to the advanced science of today. He had saved countless lives and guided humanity through its darkest hours.

One night, he sat down to write his final note. He detailed his journey, his contributions, and the knowledge he had gathered over the centuries. He signed it simply "Aelric" and placed it in a time capsule, knowing it would be discovered long after he was gone.

As he lay down for the last time, he reflected on his life. He had been a silent guardian, a timeless healer, and though history might never know his name, he had made an indelible impact on the world.


Epilogue: The Discovery

In the year 2224, a group of researchers uncovered the time capsule. They opened it with curiosity, finding Aelric's final note. As they read his story, they realized that the history of medicine had been guided by an unknown hand, a man who had transcended time to ensure humanity's progress.

The researchers marveled at the revelations, understanding that the legacy of The Lowly Medicine Man had been the true foundation of medical history. Aelric's name, once lost to time, was finally honored, and his story became a testament to the power of knowledge, compassion, and the human spirit.

And so, the legacy of Aelric, the timeless healer, lived on, inspiring future generations to pursue knowledge and healing with the same dedication and humility he had shown throughout his extraordinary life.


With the advent of the Britannica Encyclopedia in 1768 by co/author Andrew Bell.  I was able to learn what I needed to know to find this an adventure in writing. This was educational and fun at the same quill drop.   


WWW (07/30/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

112.   A Symphony of Memories

My Journey Through Music


My journey through music began with the warm embrace of the 1960s, a time when the world was vibrant with change and possibility. The soundtrack of my earliest years was filled with the legendary sounds of The Beatles, Elvis Presley, and Simon & Garfunkel. I recall the nights when my parents, William, and Delpha Grossman, would dance in the kitchen, their movements graceful and filled with joy. They taught me to dance to these timeless melodies, their laughter echoing through our home.
The Beatles were more than just music; they were a revolution. Their songs played in the background as my parents swayed, lost in their own world. I still remember my mother’s favorite musical, The Sound of Music. The hills truly seemed alive in our living room as she sang along, her voice blending with Julie Andrews’. My father had a different favorite—Fiddler on the Roof, especially "If I Were a Rich Man." We would sing together, imagining ourselves in Tevye’s shoes, dreaming of riches and a better life.
Elvis Presley was a national treasure, and his music was a staple at my Aunt Vola’s house. Every visit was accompanied by the King’s voice, particularly the song "Suspicious Minds."


I have a vivid memory of being two years old, lying down for a nap as this song played on the radio. The warmth and comfort of that moment, with Elvis’s voice as the backdrop, have stayed with me throughout my life. My uncle, Don Yeoman, bore an uncanny resemblance to Elvis, and family photos of the two made it seem as if the King himself was part of our clan.

Another powerful memory was my introduction to Simon & Garfunkel’s "The Sound of Silence" in first grade. Our music teacher, dressed in a bright yellow and orange floral dress, brought in the record. Her late 1960s hairstyle and the vivid colors of her dress remain etched in my mind. When she played the song, its haunting melody captivated me, and I fell in love with its poignant lyrics. That moment sparked a lifelong appreciation for the depth and emotion of music.

The 1970s brought a decade of discovery and growth. In 1978, at the age of twelve, I experienced the magic of the movie Grease. I went to a drive-in theater in Canon City with my cousins and their neighbors. The experience was unforgettable, not just for the film but for the tender moment I shared with Tina Sudo in the tall grasses. We decided we liked each other, and that night I had my first kiss. Although our brief romance ended in heartbreak the next day, the Grease soundtrack remained a bittersweet reminder of young love. I listened to all the love songs from Grease that night, crying as Tina called to break up with me. That record became a double-edged sword, a symbol of both joy and sorrow.

At home, my parents continued to influence my musical tastes. They introduced me to older groups they loved, like The Beatles and Elvis. My father’s impersonations of Elvis were both amusing and admirable, cementing the singer’s place in my heart. Music was a bond we shared; a language that brought us closer together.

The 1980s expanded my musical horizons even further. I found solace in the rock anthems of Journey and the smooth rhythms of Sade. The electrifying energy of Def Leppard and the soulful melodies of Phil Collins filled my days. I also delved into the eclectic sounds of Duran Duran and the raw power of Metallica, enjoying the diversity of the decade. Each artist added a unique flavor to my musical palette, broadening my appreciation for different genres.

One of the highlights of this era was my introduction to the musical Les Misérables. In 1993, my wife Holly, a passionate advocate for the arts, encouraged me to explore this masterpiece. She shared the story with me and persuaded me to read the book. Holly knew a production was coming to Salt Lake City soon and wanted me to know the story first. When we attended the theater, I was mesmerized by the performance of the legendary Colm Wilkinson. The production left an indelible mark on my soul, making Les Misérables my favorite theatrical experience to date. Holly's passion for the arts and her encouragement introduced me to a world of beauty and emotion that I hadn't fully explored before.

The 1990s brought new dimensions to my musical journey. I immersed myself in the grunge sounds of REM and the heavy riffs of Korn. I appreciated the lyrical genius of Public Enemy and LL Cool J, while also exploring the darker tones of Queensryche and the ethereal voice of Seal. Each artist added a unique flavor to my musical experiences, broadening my appreciation for different genres and styles.

My musical journey was not just about the songs and artists; it was about the memories they created and the emotions they evoked. My parents' dances in the kitchen, my introduction to "The Sound of Silence," my first kiss to the tunes of Grease, and the breathtaking performance of Les Misérables were all moments that shaped my love for music.

Music had the power to transport me back in time, to moments of joy, love, heartbreak, and discovery. It was a legacy of melodies passed down from my parents and shared with my own family. Each note, each lyric, was a thread in the tapestry of my life, weaving together a story of passion, exploration, and unforgettable memories.


WWW (07/25/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


111.   William's Journey


William had always been a poet, weaving words into tapestries of emotion and beauty. But one crisp autumn morning, as he sat by his window watching leaves fall, he felt a stirring in his soul, a call to embark on a new literary adventure. He decided to author short stories, a journey that promised both challenge and discovery.

The transition wasn't easy. William's first attempts felt awkward, the prose stilted and the plot meandering. He missed the lyrical flow of poetry, the way it allowed him to dance with language. But he persisted, knowing that every new endeavor required time and patience.

His early stories were simple, reflecting the innocence and wonder of childhood. One tale featured a young boy discovering a hidden garden full of magical creatures. Readers smiled at the whimsy and warmth, encouraging William to continue.

As his confidence grew, William's stories began to explore darker themes. He wrote of haunted houses and mysterious disappearances, crafting narratives that sent shivers down the spines of his readers. One particularly chilling story told of a cursed painting that trapped the souls of those who gazed upon it. The vivid descriptions and eerie atmosphere left readers on edge, proving that William could master both light and shadow in his storytelling.

Over time, William's skill flourished. His tales of adventure, humor, and horror captivated a growing audience. One week, he might author a heartwarming story about a stray dog finding a loving home, and the next, a suspenseful thriller about a detective unraveling a century-old mystery.

Through his journey, William discovered that his love for poetry had enriched his prose, giving it a unique, lyrical quality. Each story was a new poem, in its own right, a blend of rhythm and narrative that resonated with its readers.

In the end, William's venture into short stories became a testament to his belief in growth and exploration. He learned that while the path to mastery was fraught with challenges, the rewards of persistence and creativity were boundless. His tales, whether fun or frightful, became a cherished part of his literary legacy, celebrating the beauty and complexity of the human experience.


WWW (07/22/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

110.   The Taking House

The Night Terror

Eight-year-old Tommy lay in his bed, staring at the shadows on the ceiling cast by the streetlight filtering through his curtains. It was one of those restless nights where sleep seemed just out of reach. He tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position. The

house was silent, save for the occasional creak of the settling wood and the distant hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Just as he was about to drift off, a loud rustling noise came from the adjacent room, startling him. He sat up, his heart pounding in his chest. Before he could react, a piece of plastic—a crumpled grocery bag—came flying out of the open doorway and landed on his bed.

"Sally, quit it!" he hollered, thinking his sister was playing a prank on him. He waited for her giggle, but the house remained eerily quiet.

Confused and a bit unnerved, Tommy lay back down, trying to shake off the feeling of unease. Just as he closed his eyes, another object flew out of the room—a towel this time—landing squarely on his face. He yanked it off, anger flaring.

"Sally, cut it out!" he yelled again, louder this time.

His mom's footsteps echoed down the hallway, and she appeared in the doorway, a concerned look on her face. "Tommy, what's going on?" she asked.

"Sally keeps throwing stuff at me," he complained, pointing to the pile of objects on his bed.

His mom frowned. "Tommy, your sister isn't here. She's at a sleepover, remember?"

Tommy's face fell. He had forgotten. "But... then who's throwing things?"

"It's probably just your imagination," his mom said soothingly. "Now go to sleep. You have school tomorrow."

She tucked him back in, kissed his forehead, and left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. Tommy lay there, trying to convince himself that it was just his mind playing tricks on him. But as the minutes ticked by, the unease grew into a palpable fear.

A soft rustling sound broke the silence, followed by a thump as another object—this time a small toy—flew from the adjacent room and hit the floor next to his bed. Tommy's heart raced. He pulled the blankets up to his chin, his eyes wide with terror.

The rustling grew louder, more insistent. Things started flying out faster—pillows, books, clothes—landing haphazardly around his room and on his bed. He tried to call out for his mom, but his voice came out as a muted whimper. Panic set in as he realized he couldn't move; the blankets seemed to have tightened around him, binding him to the bed.

He struggled against the oppressive weight of the blankets, but the more he thrashed, the tighter they seemed to hold him. His breath came in short, ragged gasps. The room was filled with the eerie sound of objects flying and landing, but he could see nothing in the darkened doorway.

Tears streamed down his face as he cried out, his voice barely a whisper. "Mom... help..."

Suddenly, the flying objects changed direction, landing directly on him, and covering him up. First, it was a pillow, then a stuffed animal, then another towel. Each item felt like it weighed a ton, pressing down on him, suffocating him.

The pile grew higher and higher, and Tommy's cries became more desperate, though no sound escaped his lips. He could feel the oppressive weight of the objects pinning him down, pressing the air out of his lungs. The darkness seemed to close in, and he could no longer see the faint light from the hallway.

As the final item—a heavy blanket—landed on top of the pile, Tommy felt himself slipping away. The weight was unbearable, and his vision blurred. He tried one last time to call out, but no sound came. Everything went black.


The Morning After

The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. Tommy's mom walked down the hallway, humming softly to herself. She reached Tommy's room and knocked gently on the door. "Tommy, time to get up. Breakfast is ready."

There was no response. She pushed the door open and froze. The room was in disarray, objects scattered everywhere. Her eyes fell on Tommy's bed, where a large pile of things covered the mattress.

"Tommy?" she called; her voice tinged with fear.

She hurried to the bed, frantically pulling off the items one by one—pillows, towels, toys—her panic growing with each layer she removed. Finally, she reached the bottom of the pile. There were Tommy's clothes, neatly folded as if he had simply vanished from within them. And there, in the center of the bed, was a large, damp spot, soaking through the sheets.

She screamed, collapsing to her knees. The room seemed to close in around her, the walls pressing in as the weight of what had happened settled on her shoulders.

The police arrived shortly after; their faces grim as they surveyed the scene. They searched the house from top to bottom, but there was no sign of Tommy. It was as if he had disappeared into thin air.

Days turned into weeks, and the mystery of Tommy's disappearance remained unsolved. His mom couldn't bring herself to enter his room, leaving it as if it was that fateful night. The only sound that filled the house now was the echo of her sobs and the haunting memories of a night that had stolen her son away.


The Haunting of the House

As time passed, the house became known in the neighborhood as a place of tragedy. Children whispered stories about Tommy's disappearance, their imaginations weaving tales of ghosts and dark forces. His mom moved away, unable to bear the weight of the memories that lingered in every corner of the house.

The new occupants, a family unaware of the house's dark history, moved in hoping for a fresh start. But it wasn't long before strange things began to happen. Objects would move on their own, doors would creak open in the dead of night, and soft, muffled cries could be heard echoing through the halls.

One night, the youngest child, a boy of eight, woke to the sound of rustling from the adjacent room. He sat up, his heart pounding in his chest, as a piece of plastic came flying out of the darkness and landed on his bed.

"Tommy?" he whispered, his voice trembling.

And from the shadows, a low, eerie whisper replied, "Help me..."

The house had claimed another, the cycle of terror beginning anew.


WWW (07/22/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

109.   The Whispering Woods


Lost in the Woods

The late afternoon sun filtered through the dense canopy of Whispering Woods, casting a dappled pattern of light and shadow on the forest floor. The air was thick with the earthy scent of moss and pine needles, a serene setting that belied the terror that awaited. Jacob and Matthew trudged along the narrow path, their laughter and banter echoing faintly in the tranquil wilderness.

Their two-week vacation at the family hunting cabin had been a welcome respite from their hectic lives. The brothers, rugged and seasoned outdoorsmen, relished the solitude and the chance to reconnect with nature. But now, as they began their journey back to civilization, an uneasy feeling settled over them like a shroud.

"Feels like the forest is closing in on us," Jacob muttered, glancing at the trees that seemed to loom larger with each step.

Matthew shrugged, though his eyes darted nervously. "Just our imaginations running wild after two weeks in the wilderness."

The first sign of something amiss was the sound—an eerie, low roar that seemed to vibrate through the trees. Jacob paused, his hand instinctively moving to the hunting knife at his belt. "Did you hear that?"

Matthew nodded, his face pale. "Probably just a bear. Let's keep moving."

They pressed on, the path growing fainter as the forest thickened. The light faded, and the trees, once comforting, now appeared twisted and menacing. The brothers walked in silence, their senses heightened, every rustle and creak of the forest magnified in the growing darkness.

The second sign was the compass. Jacob pulled it out, frowning as the needle spun wildly, refusing to settle. "Something's not right," he said, his voice tight with worry. "We're lost."

Matthew's response was cut off by a sudden, sharp pain. He cried out, clutching his arm, where three deep gouges appeared, blood oozing through his torn sleeve. "What the hell?" he gasped; eyes wide with fear.

Jacob grabbed his brother, scanning the shadows for any sign of their attacker. "We've got to keep moving. We need to find the cabin."

They stumbled through the forest, their pace quickening as panic set in. The roar grew louder, a constant, menacing presence that seemed to come from all directions. The air thickened, becoming almost suffocating, tinged with the acrid scent of burning.

Without warning, Jacob felt a searing pain across his back. He fell to his knees, gasping as he realized his skin was peeling away, leaving raw, bloody flesh in its wake. "Something's out there," he wheezed. "We need to get out of here."

Matthew helped his brother to his feet, his own body marked with fresh claw marks. The brothers staggered onward, their path illuminated only by the dim, flickering light of their flashlights. The forest floor smoldered beneath their feet, the heat intensifying with each step.

The cabin was their only hope. They could see it now, a dark silhouette against the encroaching night. But the journey was far from over. The ground seemed to burn, each step leaving charred footprints behind. The roar was deafening, a primal sound that shook them to their core.

Just as they reached the clearing, the brothers collapsed. Their bodies convulsed, the flames consuming them from within. In their decisive moments, they reached for the cabin door, only to turn to cinders before they could grasp it. The forest fell silent, the only evidence of their presence a faint, lingering scent of ash.


Weeks Later

The wives of Jacob and Matthew arrived at the cabin with the police, their faces etched with worry and grief. The forest seemed unchanged, serene, and indifferent to the tragedy that had unfolded. The cabin stood silent, its doors and windows intact, as if untouched by the horror that had claimed the brothers.

The search parties combed the area, but there was no sign of Jacob and Matthew. No footprints, no blood, no charred remains. It was as if they had never been there at all. The forest, with its ancient trees and whispering leaves, held its secrets close.

The wives, hearts heavy with unanswered questions, returned home, their minds haunted by the unknown. The police filed their reports, labeling the brothers as missing, presumed dead. But in the depths of Whispering Woods, the truth lingered—a chilling tale of terror and despair, lost to the shadows.


In the Heart of the Forest

Deep within Whispering Woods, where the light barely touched the ground, an ancient evil stirred. The beast, unseen and unnamed, prowled its domain, a silent guardian of the forest's darkest secrets. It hunted not for sustenance, but for the sheer pleasure of the chase, reveling in the fear it inspired.

The brothers had been just another in an extensive line of victims, drawn to the forest by its beauty and tranquility, only to be consumed by its malevolence. The beast's roar echoed through the trees, a reminder of its presence to those who dared to venture too deep.

And so, the legend of Whispering Woods grew, a story passed down through generations of hunters and hikers. They spoke of the two brothers who never returned, their fate a mystery, their screams lost to the forest. They spoke of the low roar that haunted the night, a sound that chilled the blood and quickened the heart.

But few believed the tales, dismissing them as mere folklore. And yet, the forest remained, unchanged and eternal, its ancient trees whispering their secrets to those who would listen. And deep within its heart, the beast waited, ever watchful, ever hungry, ready to claim its next prey.


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108.   Our Angels 


In a garden green with morning's tender light,
Three small girls dance, a joyful, lively sight,
With laughter ringing, pure as summer's breeze,
They chase the sun beneath the apple trees.

Tomatoes plucked with tiny, eager hands,
Their sweetness savored, red as promised lands,
Juice drips like sunlight, warm upon their lips,
As giggles ripple, from their playful trips.

In this Eden, time flows slow and sweet,
Barefoot wanderers, with earth beneath their feet,
They weave their dreams in fragrant flower beds,
With daisies crowning their sun-kissed heads.

Innocence blooms in every smile and glance,
As they twirl and leap, lost in their dance,
In this moment, pure as the sky above,
They know only joy, and boundless love.


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107.   As She Weaves


In twilight's grace, the songbird weaves her song,
A melody of twigs and hope entwined,
With patience deep, she builds where she belongs,
A nest where dreams and fragile futures bind.

She gathers threads from dawn's first golden hue,
With feathers light, she forms a tender bed,
Through wind and rain, her tireless heart stays true,
Though storms may rage, her spirits never fled.

Each twig a challenge, each straw a test of will,
Yet in her eyes, a spark of steadfast light,
For in this cradle, life's sweet dreams fulfill,
And in its warmth, her fledglings take their flight.

Though trials loom, she weaves with tender care,
Awaiting life, a mother’s love laid bare.


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106.   Forgiveness 


I sat alone, memories of past actions flooding my mind. Each face I'd hurt, every tear I'd caused, weighed heavily on my heart. The silence around me echoed with regrets, each one a ghost haunting my thoughts. I whispered apologies to the night, wishing I could turn back time. Tears flowed as I struggled to forgive myself, feeling unworthy of absolution. Yet, in the somber quiet, a small voice within urged compassion. With trembling hands, I wrote letters of apology, hoping for peace. Though the road to self-forgiveness was long, I took the first step, seeking a fragile hope amidst sorrow.


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105.   The Spectral Horror


In the heart of an ancient forest, photographer Emily framed her shot. Through the lens, a spectral figure shimmered in the moonlight, its form a kaleidoscope of shifting colors. She clicked. The image revealed a nightmare: twisted faces in silent screams, eyes of fire and void. As Emily stared, the photo moved, the faces reaching out. A cold whisper echoed, "Join us." Her breath hitched, camera trembling. The forest around her darkened, colors bleeding into shadows. Emily's eyes glazed, drawn into the haunting tableau. The camera fell. In the photograph, her face now twisted among the damned, forever trapped in spectral horror.


I was asked to try something new and horrific for a change. I like to keep all my work uplifting and positive, so this was quite the change for me, I hope you like it. 


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104.   Summer's Dream

The gardener sows the garden rows, until the evening knows no more. Beneath the Californian skies, a tapestry begins to rise.
The soil, a canvas rich and dark, Holds secrets of each seedling's spark. In rows aligned with nature's hand, A symphony of colors stands.
Ruby reds of roses bloom, their petals whisper sweet perfume. Sunflowers, tall as summer dreams, Glow golden in the sun's bright beams.
Lavender fields in gentle waves, their fragrance dances, softly saves. The purples deep, the blues so rare, Each hue a story in the air.
In verdant greens, the vines do creep, Through endless days and nights of sleep. The tender shoots of emerald shine, Promise fruit on future vine.
Daisies white, with centers gold, A tale of innocence they hold. Their faces turn to greet the dawn, with every new day, freshly drawn.
Orchids in their pinks and whites, in twilight, come alive with lights. Their petals, soft as whispered dreams, Reflect the moon’s elusive gleams.
And in the rows of fertile earth, Life springs anew, a constant birth. The gardener’s hands, with gentle grace, Transform the land, a sacred space.
Each row, a verse in nature’s song, A melody that plays so long. In California’s warm embrace, the garden grows, a timeless place.
From dawn till dusk, in colors bold, the garden's tale is softly told. In every petal, leaf, and vine, A story woven, line by line.


WWW (07/09/24)

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103.   An Ode to Mrs. C


O Mrs. C. thou ghostly friend so rare,
In twilight’s veil, you drift with grace so fine,
Through William’s home, you wander light as air,
A silent presence, tender, and benign.

No haunting cries, nor chains to mark your tread,
But whispers soft, a breath of bygone days,
Your spectral form, with hints of silver thread,
In shadows cast, a dance of gentle ways.

From distant realms, what tales you might have spun,
What dreams and sorrows etched upon your face,
Yet here you stay, as night meets morning sun,
In William’s hearth, you’ve found a warm embrace.

No fear you bring, but solace in your wake,
A touch of history, a trace of lore,
With every sigh, the walls and rafters' quake,
In reverence of the life you had before.

O Mrs. C. your company we praise,
A bridge 'twixt worlds, you walk with silent cheer,
In you, a past and present gently blaze,
A friendship forged, enduring, ever near.

So, here’s to you, our ghostly confidante,
In William’s home, you’ve found your place to be,
A bond unspoken, yet so elegant,
In twilight’s glow, forever Mrs. C.

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102.   To Old Mrs. C. 

In twilight's gentle glow she drifts alone,
A spirit lost, her place in life unclear.
Through time's vast halls, her sorrow softly shown,
Until with William's hearth she found a cheer.

No ghastly wails, nor chains that clank and bind,
Just quiet company, a whispered grace.
He named her Old Mrs. C. so kind, so kind,
Curiosity lit up his warm face.

"From whence you come, dear ghost, what do you seek?"
He asked with gentle voice, no trace of fear.
She smiled, her form so fragile, soft, and meek,
"I crave but friendship, simply to be near."

In William's home, she found a place to stay,
A ghostly friend, to chase the gloom away.


WWW (07/01/24)

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101.   The Wild Flowers


In a magical garden nestled in the heart of Florida, a cluster of enchanting flowers sprouted, blessed with a unique ability: they could float through the air and transform into the state flower of each region they crossed. As the sun rose one balmy morning, a gentle breeze lifted the flowers from their beds, beginning their wondrous journey across the United States.

In Florida, they were orange blossoms, their sweet citrus scent filling the air. As they drifted over the state line into Georgia, they transformed into the delicate Cherokee rose, symbolizing the state’s rich history and resilience.

Crossing into South Carolina, the flowers became yellow jessamine, twining through the air like golden tendrils. North Carolina welcomed them as the dogwood, their white petals glowing softly against the blue sky.

Into Virginia, they floated as American dogwood, a slightly different variation, each petal a testament to the state’s natural beauty. West Virginia saw them become the rhododendron, vibrant and lush, as they danced across the mountainous terrain.

Ohio’s scarlet carnation greeted them next, a burst of red against the emerald landscape. In Indiana, they changed into the peony, their layers of petals unfolding with grace and elegance. Kentucky’s goldenrod waved like fields of gold, a perfect tribute to the state’s rolling hills.

Tennessee transformed the flowers into irises, their regal purple hues a nod to the state’s proud heritage. As they floated into Illinois, they became the violet, delicate and charming, a tiny masterpiece of nature.

In Missouri, they took the form of the hawthorn, their white blooms a symbol of hope and prosperity. The fields of Kansas welcomed them as the sunflower, bold and bright, reaching toward the sky. Nebraska’s goldenrod mirrored Kansas’s earlier form, yet somehow even more radiant in the open plains.

Entering Colorado, they became the columbine, with spurred petals like delicate lanterns swaying in the breeze. Wyoming’s Indian paintbrush greeted them with fiery red spikes, blazing against the rugged landscape.

In Idaho, they transformed into the syringa, a fragrant delight that spoke of the state’s hidden gems. As they crossed into Oregon, they became the Oregon grape, with clusters of yellow flowers that hinted at the richness of the land.

Finally, as they entered California, the flowers became the golden poppy, their bright orange petals a stunning tribute to the Golden State. They floated westward, leaving the mainland behind, and settled gently on the surface of the Pacific Ocean.

For days they drifted, carried by the currents and caressed by the waves. As they journeyed farther from the shore, they began to change once more, becoming a blend of all the flowers they had been, a living mosaic of colors and forms.

The flowers floated on, crossing the vast expanse of the Pacific until they neared the shores of Japan. As they approached the island nation, they transformed one final time into the cherry blossom, their delicate pink petals a perfect match for the land of the rising sun.

In Japan, the flowers found a new home, their journey complete. They floated into the hearts of the people, a symbol of the beauty and diversity that can be found when one embraces change and embarks on a journey of transformation.

And so, the magical flowers continued to bloom, a living testament to the wonders of nature and the endless possibilities that lie in the journey of life.


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100.  Among the Trees


In quiet woods where shadows softly lay,
There walks a man with heart of purest gold,
Each step he takes, the trees in silence sway,
A secret bond in nature's fold they hold.

The world spins on, with eyes that never see,
The kindness woven in his daily deeds,
Yet in the forest, where he loves to be,
The trees bear witness, meeting all his needs.

Their leaves applaud in whispers as he goes,
Their branches bend in greeting as he nears,
In twilight hours when evening softly glows,
They share his laughter, understand his tears.

Each morning brings a chance to start anew,
For William, striving always to be kind,
His heart a compass, ever pointing true,
Though only trees the proof of this can find.

The world may pass with hurried, careless stride,
Yet William walks with gentle, thoughtful care,
The trees his friends, they stand by side,
Their silent praise a comfort rich and rare.

In leafy canopies, his joy is found,
The rustling leaves, his quiet accolade,
No need for worldly praise or lauded sound,
In nature’s arms, his virtue is displayed.

Among the trees, his soul can find its rest,
In nature's heart, his goodness is confessed.
For in the forest’s calm, he finds his peace,
A perfect world where all his worries cease.


WWW (06/29/24)

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99.  The Tale of the Wobbly Table


Once upon a time in the small town of Haphazardville, there lived a man named Ned. Ned was known for his enthusiasm in fixing things, though not necessarily for his success. One sunny afternoon, he decided it was time to build a new dining table for his home.

Ned strolled down to the local hardware store, Buy n' Cry, armed with his trusty list of items. It was an impressive list, if only for the number of spelling mistakes and wildly incorrect measurements. Ned confidently handed his list to the bewildered shopkeeper, who hesitated but ultimately filled Ned's cart with an odd assortment of wood planks, nails, and, for some inexplicable reason, a rubber chicken.

With a whistle and a bounce in his step, Ned returned home and began his masterpiece. He laid out the planks, which were of varying lengths and widths, but Ned believed in the beauty of diversity. He grabbed his hammer, which he insisted was lucky despite its head being slightly loose, and began nailing the planks together in a pattern that only he could appreciate.

Halfway through, Ned realized he forgot to measure the height of the table. He shrugged and decided to use his own height as a reference. He stood next to the table and marked where his waistline was, reasoning that a table should be waist-high. Unfortunately, Ned was not a very tall man.

Ned then attached the legs, which he had carved himself from old broomsticks. One leg ended up shorter than the others, but he cleverly compensated by stuffing a thick book under it. Satisfied with his ingenuity, Ned decided to test the table’s stability by placing a watermelon on it. The table wobbled ominously, but Ned took that as a sign of resilience. After all, a good table should have some flexibility, he reasoned.

Feeling proud, Ned invited his neighbors over for a dinner party to show off his creation. As the guests arrived, they marveled at the table’s unique design. “It’s so… rustic,” one guest commented, trying to find the right word.

Dinner was served, and the table immediately began to show its true character. Every time someone cut into their food, the table wobbled, causing drinks to spill and plates to slide. The guests held onto their plates with one hand and tried to eat with the other, a balancing act that quickly became a source of laughter.

Just when Ned thought the evening couldn’t get any better, the table gave a final wobble and collapsed, sending food, dishes, and the rubber chicken flying. There was a moment of stunned silence before everyone burst into laughter.

Ned, ever the optimist, stood up and declared, “Well, at least it brought us all together!” His neighbors agreed, toasting to Ned’s unique skills and the memorable dinner party.

From that day on, Ned’s table-building adventure became a beloved story in Haphazardville, a testament to creativity, laughter, and the joy of embracing the wonderfully wrong.


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98.   I want to be Someone

Once a few moons ago, in a childhood filled with wonder and a penchant for pulling rabbits out of hats (or at least trying), William dreamed of becoming a magician. His days were spent practicing card tricks and mastering disappearing acts, much to the amusement of his family and the bewilderment of his pet rabbit.

As adolescence beckoned, William's wand-waving fantasies gave way to a love affair with poetry. Inspired by the rhythmic musings of wannabe Shakespeare and the angst of teenage emotions, he penned verses that were never deep enough to drown in and rhymes that would make even Dr. Seuss cry. He became known as the crazy-bard of the schoolyard, weaving sonnets between math classes and odes to cafeteria food, that usually failed as bad as the leftover pizza.

But wait, there's more! In his later teens, William found himself gripped by the allure of drafting, much like his dad. Armed with pencils and rulers, he sketched blueprints for a future that promised straight lines and geometric precision. Little did he know his designs would one day inspire a whole new genre: architectural comedy, yet he tried.

Then, life threw a curveball (or maybe a missile-shaped surprise), leading William down the path of military service. Suddenly, his days of drafting were replaced by dungarees and an aircraft carrier. Amidst the chaos and camaraderie, he discovered a knack for marching in poetic cadence and writing war-themed limericks that could make even a ship’s Commander crack a smile. He was much better by now.

Years passed, each one bringing new adventures and career detours that would make a GPS cry. William tried his hand at everything from accounting (where numbers often didn't add up to success) to underwater basket weaving (where the baskets tended to float away). Yet through it all, one thing remained constant: his latent love for writing.

And so, after fifty-seven years of magical misadventures, poetic ponderings, and drafting disasters, William finally circled back to his true passion. Embracing his inner wordsmith, he now weaves tales that blend magic, poetry, and the occasional blueprint for a rabbit-shaped fortress. His journey, though unconventional and at times bewildering, is a testament to the power of persistence, the whimsy of dreams, and the importance of never taking oneself too seriously—unless, of course, you're drafting a blueprint for a clown academy.

And they all lived happily ever after, with William typing away at his keyboard, weaving words into wonder and proving that sometimes, the real magic lies in following your heart (and occasionally finding that missing rabbit in your hat).


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97.   The Most Familiar Place on Earth


I’m comfortably lost in the wilderness, not standing alone.

My father and I have taken many of these trips as time has shown.

The river runs deep. The whitecaps are fast.

I know this moment in time won’t last.

I look at him, fly rod in hand,

Teaching me all that is grand.

I hope that I learn everything he knows.

Time is my enemy, the devil I know.

Is this the last cast? Is this the last show?

I turn to him and smile for I know in his mind,

Everything he does for me is in kind .

I take what he does, I take it in hand,

I teach to my Boo and Sam, all that I can.

For I know the generations lost and the things of the past.

Are the devils I know, the things that won’t last.


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96.   A Summer Breeze


In summer's embrace, two birds weave a nest with tender care,
Their wings entwined in love's dance, in the balmy air.

Upon a branch, they build a haven, a sanctuary blessed,
Where whispered secrets of the heart echo, free from worldly snare.

Their feathers catch the golden rays, as sunlight paints the sky,
In hues of amber and rose, they find solace rare.

Amidst the rustling leaves and gentle zephyrs that sigh,
Their song floats on the breeze, a melody beyond compare.

Oh, how they flutter and embrace, in the warmth of dawn's first kiss,
Two souls entwined, in nature's symphony, so rare.

As twilight falls, they rest upon their nest, hearts at peace,
Underneath the starlit sky, they dream, beyond earthly glare.

In summer's embrace, two birds nestle, their love unfurls,
A tale of joy and harmony, where love and freedom share.


I've been introduced to a new style or poetry called the Ghazal. So, this is my first attempt.


The ghazal is composed of a minimum of five couplets—and typically no more than fifteen—that are structurally, thematically, and emotionally autonomous. Each line of the poem must be of the same length, though meter is not imposed in English. The first couplet introduces a scheme, made up of a rhyme followed by a refrain. Subsequent couplets pick up the same scheme in the second line only, repeating the refrain and rhyming the second line with both lines of the first stanza.


Traditionally invoking melancholy, love, longing, and metaphysical questions, ghazals are often sung by Iranian, Indian, and Pakistani musicians. The form has roots in seventh century Arabia and gained prominence in the thirteenth- and fourteenth centuries thanks to such Persian poets as Rumi and Hafiz.

Poets. Org


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95.   Haunted Memories

In September 1992, aboard the USS Carl Vinson, (CVN-70), Bradley faced the darkest moment of his Navy career. The ship sailed the vast Pacific Ocean when disaster struck. A tsunami, born from the Nicaragua earthquake, caught us on the edge of its wake. We had no choice but to batten down all hatches, halt all work, and brace ourselves for safety.

James and Royce, both new to the ship and the Navy, were curious about the ferocious waves crashing against our vessel. They decided to sneak to the fantail, the ship's stern, to catch a glimpse of nature's fury. Ignoring the perilous 22-degree list of the ship, they cracked open a door. The very moment the door opened, a massive wave sucked them out into the churning ocean and water gushed in, drenching everything in its path.

Luck intervened as someone nearby witnessed the tragic scene and immediately radioed the Man Overboard signal. The ship burst into a frenzy of rescue operations, helicopters were dispatched, and the search commenced. But dusk was upon us, complicating the desperate hunt for our lost shipmates.

Hours dragged on with no sign of them. I watched the CCTV feed of the search area as the helicopters flew over every whitecap, but each moment brought nothing but despair. My heart sank as I realized my two friends might be lost forever to the abyss. Then, a glimmer of hope—James was recovered alive. But Royce remained missing, swallowed by the relentless waves that could carry him miles away within minutes.

The storm started to pass, but so did our time. The helicopters scoured the ocean, but Royce was nowhere to be found. I imagined him out there, screaming for help, his desperate cries swallowed by the roaring sea. Thoughts of his family’s inevitable grief tormented me as the search drew to a close. The call was made—Royce was gone. My heart shattered.

The ocean, once a source of fascination, now terrified me. The irony of a Navy man afraid of water was not lost on me. I had to face my first burial at sea, an empty casket symbolizing our loss. Standing there, I fought to keep my composure, but emotion betrayed me. I had lost a friend, and the weight of that sorrow was unbearable.

James, scarred by the ordeal, shared the story with me as he recovered. The trauma proved too much, and he opted to leave the Navy. They granted him an honorable discharge. As for me, I remained, haunted by the memory, grappling with fear and sorrow, wondering how to move forward in the face of such a profound loss.


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94.   Nina's Wind


Nina spoke of wind's untamed, wild grace,
Its gusts howled fiercely, swirling through the night,
With chaotic energy it raced,
A force of nature, both a thrill and fright.

Relentless power, whipping through the trees,
Rattling windows, shaking all around,
An awe-inspiring, restless, roaring breeze,
Its mighty dance, a mesmerizing sound.

Alive and fierce, unpredictable and free,
The wind's wild spirit left its mark on all,
A tempest's tale of raw, unbridled glee,
A memory of nature's primal call.


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93.   My Broken Pencil


In shadows deep, my words now softly hide,
A poet’s heart, with broken pencil tries,
To craft a verse where inspiration died,
And find the light within the darkened skies.

My hand, it trembles, grasping shards of lead,
As lines elude my mind’s once vibrant grace.
Yet hope remains where all but ink has fled,
A spark of fire within this silent space.

O muse, return and guide my faltering hand,
Through fractured thoughts and paper’s weary grain.
Restore the rhythm to this silent land,
And let my voice be heard through all the pain.

For though my tool is worn and near its end,
My spirit writes with passion, to transcend.


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© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

92.   From me to Me

From the moment William picked up his pen in 1978, the world began to transform around him. No longer did he simply hear the hum of daily life; every sound became a note in an endless symphony, every word a verse in an unwritten poem. Music, once a backdrop, now spoke directly to his soul, its melodies weaving tales that only he could hear.

Books, too, had changed. As he turned their pages, the words leapt off, dancing in rhythmic patterns, forming stanzas that spoke of worlds beyond mere prose. He read not just for stories but for the poetry hidden within each line, each sentence a piece of a greater, unseen masterpiece.

In conversation, William found a new rhythm. Friends and strangers alike spoke in inadvertent rhymes, their casual remarks sparking inspiration for the countless stories that swirled in his mind. Every dialogue was a potential sonnet, every exchange a spark for a new creation. He listened with a poet’s ear, catching the subtle cadences that others missed.

As the years passed, William realized that he was no longer the man he once was. His perception had shifted; he saw beauty in the mundane, poetry in the ordinary. The world spoke to him in verses, and he responded in kind, his writing a testament to this profound change.

He embraced his difference, for it was a gift that allowed him to see beyond the surface, to hear the hidden melodies and read the unwritten poems of life. His journey from 1978 to now was a tapestry of words and sounds, a lifelong ode to the poetry that resides in all things. William, the poet of life, had found his true voice, and through it, he painted the world with his unique, lyrical vision.


This is dedicated to Roxanne Alarcon who, in my 8th grade math class wrote me a poem and got me interested in poetry. 

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91.  The Eagle's Eye

Upon the wind, an eagle soars on high,
With mighty wings that carve the azure skies,
He scans the earth beneath his keen-eyed eye,
And sees the world in springtime's grand surprise.

Below, a tapestry of colors spread,
Flocks of birds in vibrant hues take flight,
Their plumage paints the air in shades of red,
In brilliant yellows, blues, a stunning sight.

The hills are draped in blossoms’ rich array,
With wildflowers in crimson, gold, and blue,
Each tree in bloom, adorned in bright display,
Their petals kissed by morning’s gentle dew.

He spies the deer that prance through meadows green,
And foxes play beneath the budding trees,
The rivers glisten with a silver sheen,
And dance along with every passing breeze.

The earth, alive, a symphony in spring,
Where every creature finds its voice to sing,
From heights above, the eagle takes it in,
A season’s joy, where life and love begin.

In flight, he revels in the view so clear,
A world reborn, beneath the sky so dear,
For in the heavens, he sees nature's art,
A masterpiece that fills his soaring heart.


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90.   Oops, on the Farm

 Oops, on the Farm

In a village amidst green hills so grand,
Lived children with hearts as pure as sand.
At Harmony Farm, a magical place,
They played with animals, full of grace.

One sunny morn, a curious sight,
The animals' sounds were not quite right.
The rooster clucked, instead of his crow,
The sheep barked, their bleating in tow.

The children giggled, finding it strange,
But they knew they had voices to rearrange.
With determination shining so bright,
They gathered 'round, ready to set it right.

They imitated the rooster's proud cry,
"Cock-a-doodle-doo!" They gave it a try.
The rooster listened, with attentive ear,
And soon he crowed, loud and clear.

Next came the sheep, their sounds astray,
"Baa, baa!" the children began to say.
The sheep observed, their eyes wide,
And bleated in harmony, side by side.

Now it was time for the cow to learn,
"Moo, moo!" the children's voices did churn.
The cow watched, with eyes so keen,
And soon enough, she mooed like a queen.

One by one, the animals found their voice,
Oinking like pigs, and ducks would rejoice.
Neighing like horses, quacking like ducks,
Harmony Farm was filled with joyful clucks.

The children and animals, in bliss they did dwell,
Playing and laughing, a friendship to tell.
At Harmony Farm, they found their way,
Together they lived, in joy each day.

And whenever a visitor came to see,
The animals' symphony filled the air so free.
A testament to the children's kind touch,
A beautiloved ithorus, they loved it so much.

The tale of children and farm friends,
Inspired others, where the story transcends.
Embrace the power of learning and love,
A bond that soars like a peaceful dove.

So let this poem spread far and wide,
The story of Harmony Farm, a beautiful stride.
Where children and animals found their voice,
In a world where friendship is the ultimate choice.


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89.   Another Oops, on the Farm

Another Oops, on the Farm

In a peaceful countryside fair,
Lived children with hearts full of care,
Sunny Acres, the farm they adore,
Where adventure awaited, forevermore.

One morning, a sight they did see,
The animals had wandered, wild and free,
Gates left ajar, a moment of fright,
But the children vowed to set things right.

With courage in their souls, they set out,
To find the animals, without a doubt,
Imitating sounds, their secret key,
To bring the creatures back, joyously.

A rooster's crow, a call so loud,
Echoed through fields, a beacon proud,
Perched on a fence, feathers glistening,
The children rejoiced, their mission winning.

Through forest trails, they softly bleated,
Sheep came running, their fears defeated,
Guided back to the safety of home,
The children's love, forever known.

By the riverbank, they mooed with might,
Drawing the cow, a majestic sight,
Together they walked, through twilight's gleam,
A reunion cherished, like a dream.

In muddy pond, they oinked and played,
The pigs emerged, their mischief swayed,
With laughter and joy, they all returned,
The farm alive, the children learned.

Back at Sunny Acres, the tale was told,
How children brave brought animals bold,
A bond forever strong, they all knew,
Compassion and togetherness, through and through.

And so, their story spread afar,
A poem of love, like a shining star,
In harmony they lived, forever blessed,
The children of Sunny Acres, truly the best.


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88.   A Third Oops, on the Farm

A Third Oops, on the Farm

In a vibrant countryside fair,
Where Rainbow Meadows danced in the air,
Animals once adorned with hues so bright,
Lost their colors, a somber sight.

But three children, brave and true,
With magic brushes, they knew,
To restore the farm's enchanting grace,
And bring back each creature's colorful trace.

Lily, Ethan, and Mia, their hearts aglow,
Embarked on a quest, their brushes in tow,
A sad little lamb, its wool so white,
Lily's brush painted it pink, a beautiful sight.

Ethan found a horse, its coat turned gray,
With a gentle stroke, colors held at bay,
Golden brown hues adorned its frame,
The horse pranced and neighed, no longer tame.

Mia discovered a peacock, feathers forlorn,
Once vibrant, now dull, a sight to mourn,
Her brush waved in the air, like a magical spell,
Feathers shimmered, a rainbow's tale to tell.

With each animal they touched and blessed,
Colors returned, in a magical caress,
Rainbow Meadows bloomed, vibrant and grand,
The children's love, painting the land.

The news spread wide, far, and near,
People came, filled with awe and cheer,
Witnessing the magic, the children's art,
Rainbow Meadows forever in their heart.

A legend was born, a story to treasure,
Of children's love and brushes of leisure,
A place where animals and humans unite,
In a symphony of colors, pure and bright.

For years to come, the meadows will glow,
A symbol of hope, for all to know,
Love, imagination, and the power to create,
Transforming the world, colors innate.

And so, the tale of Rainbow Meadows will transcend,
A poem of magic, which shall never end,
In harmony they live, in colors they thrive,
The children who painted, love did revive


WWW (06/18/24)

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87.   More Oops, on the Farm

More Oops, on the Farm

In a peaceful countryside fair,
Where Sunny Acres breathed in the air,
Children named Jack, Emily, and Lily,
With farm animals, we lived calmly.

One sunny morn, a surprise they found,
Animals shrunk, small babies abound,
In a hidden corner, a box did gleam,
With magic wands, a magical dream.

Each wand adorned with a gemstone bright,
Granting wishes, performing spells with might,
Jack wished for Rosie, the pig so small,
To regain her size, to stand proud and tall.

A wave of light, sparkling and grand,
Rosie grew, as per Jack's command,
Emily's wand brought the sheep back to grace,
Fluffy and woolly, with a gentle embrace.

Lily's wand, with its power untold,
Restored the horse, majestic and bold,
One by one, animals grew in size,
The children's magic, a joyous surprise.

Ducks splashed in the pond, cows grazed,
Chickens strutted, heads held high, unphased,
With each wave, the wands sparkled bright,
Hope and determination, a magical sight.

But as the sun set, casting shadows long,
One last animal, yet to grow strong,
Charlie, the loyal farm dog, so dear,
The children united, their hearts sincere.

Chanting for hope, wands held high,
Love and magic, they amplified the sky,
Charlie stretched and grew, full of glee,
With a wagging tail, restored, and free.

As daylight faded, darkness took hold,
Children and animals, a bond of gold,
Sunny Acres, a place of friendship and delight,
Where love and teamwork conquered the night.

Though the wands lost their magical sway,
Memories remained, forever to stay,
Jack, Emily, Lily, and their animal kin,
A legend of courage, from within.

Through generations, the story would be told,
Love, courage, and teamwork, ever bold,
For in the smallest acts, greatness is found,
A lesson from Sunny Acres, forever renowned


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86.   Oops, Farm Five

Oops, Farm Five

In a land of fields and farming charm,
Three children set off on an adventure, warm.
Emily, Oliver, and Mia, their hearts so free,
Embarked on a journey, a tale to be.

Within the barn, a treasure chest they found,
Filled with wonders that turned their world around.
A can of paint, red as the setting sun,
A bottle of bubbles, ready for fun.

Charlie the chicken, mischievous and bright,
Dipped himself in paint, a comical sight.
A walking tomato, clucking with glee,
The animals fled, perplexed as can be.

Gary the goat, with bubble solution in tow,
Accidentally swallowed, a magical glow.
Bubbles surrounded him, a whimsical dance,
Laughter erupted, a moment of chance.

Daisy the duckling, swallowed soap with a quack,
On a slippery slide, she became in a pack.
The farm animals slid, with joy and delight,
Giggles and chuckles, a wondrous sight.

Samson the sheep, amidst a field of blooms,
Absorbed the colors, like rainbow plumes.
Living art, a canvas of wool so bright,
Laughter echoed, in the golden light.

Percy the piglet, a paint party did adore,
A bucket tipped, footprints galore.
Colorful trails, across the farm they spread,
Cleaning with laughter, joy in each tread.

But as the day waned, the children knew,
It was time to restore, the farm so true.
Together they gathered, united as one,
Cleaning with purpose, their task not undone.

With brooms and mops, they worked in harmony,
Reviving the farm, a labor of unity.
Laughter echoed, as they swept and cleaned,
A shared endeavor, a memory esteemed.

As the sun set, painting the sky gold,
They gathered 'round, their stories unfold.
A bonfire ablaze, warmth in their hearts,
Feasting and sharing, a bond that imparts.

This farm adventure, etched in their souls,
A tale of laughter, where love unfolds.
Responsibility learned, in a playful guise,
Friendship and joy, forever ties.



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© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

85.   As the Stars Surrender Their Journey

The Cosmic Dance


In the vastness of the night, a celestial ballet unfolds,
As stars descend from heavens, their stories are yet untold.
Each one, a shimmering gem, cascading through the air,
Falling gently, gracefully, with a love beyond compare.

One by one, they twinkle, painting the sky with light,
Like whispered promises, illuminating the darkest night.
But as they touch the Earth, their brilliance starts to fade,
Transforming into stardust, an ephemeral cascade.

Their radiant glow dissipates, like dreams in morning's haze,
But within their fading embers, a love forever stays.
For as the stars surrender, their journey incomplete,
Their remnants intertwine, a destiny they meet.

In a cosmic dance of destiny, they gather close and near,
Creating constellations, a love that's crystal clear.
From dust and cosmic fragments, a miracle is born,
Two souls entwined together: a love forever sworn.

So, my love, let us be grateful for the stars above,
For they gave their light and love, a gift of endless love.
For in this wondrous universe, where dreams and wonders thrive,
We are the culmination, the stars that came alive.

And as we gaze upon the night, hand in hand we stand,
We'll cherish every moment, as the stars hold our command.
For we are made of stardust, a love that's meant to be,
Forever intertwined, in this cosmic symphony.


WWW (06/17/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

84.   Serendipity's Grove


In Williams' backyard, where squirrels reside,
A bountiful feast of fruit they find,
With nimble paws and eyes so keen,
They gather treasures from trees so fine.

Through branches they scamper, agile and quick,
Collecting apples, plums, and pears,
In their tiny mouths, a fruitful pick,
To store for colder days and winter's snares.

But as time passes, they forget their stash,
And the forgotten fruit begins to decay,
Buried beneath the earth, a secret cache,
Where new life quietly begins to sway.

Come spring, a marvelous sight unfolds,
Strange crossovers of trees, their fruits untold.

Apples grow with pears, and plums intertwine,
A whimsical garden of nature's design,
Where squirrels' forgetfulness births creations rare,
A tapestry of flavors, a sight to share.

The branches bear fruits of mixed heritage,
Each bite a surprise, a joyful forage,
Sweet and tangy, a harmonious blend,
In this enchanted orchard, the seasons transcend.

The squirrels, unaware of the magic they've sown,
Continue their dance, their secret unknown,
But the backyard blossoms in colors so grand,
A testament to nature's guiding hand.

So let us cherish the squirrels' mistake,
For in their hurry, new wonders awake,
And may we learn from this humble tale,
To embrace the unexpected, and let serendipity prevail.

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© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

83.   When the Heavens Weep

In arid lands where sun does fiercely blaze,
A barren desert, golden, dry, and vast,
The heavens weep, and in a wondrous haze,
The rain descends, a miracle at last.

Upon the dunes, where silence reigned supreme,
Each droplet sings a song of life reborn,
And whispers tales that once were but a dream,
Now vivid blooms the desert floor adorn.

Bright crimson blooms on cacti rise anew,
Their thorns, once fierce, now soft with nature’s kiss,
With hues of pink and orange, yellow too,
The blossoms dance, a sight of purest bliss.

Rich emerald leaves on mesquite trees unfurl,
While purple sage and scarlet poppies thrive,
In vibrant splendor, petals start to swirl,
Reviving all, the desert comes alive.

The agave’s spikes now glisten with a sheen,
As yucca flowers burst in creamy white,
Golden mariposas in between,
Their beauty shines beneath the softened light.

The creatures stir, awakened by the rain,
A symphony of life begins to sing,
With every drop, the desert breaks its chain,
Transformed by nature’s gentle offering.

Thus, rain bestows its gift of life and cheer,
A desert blooms, its beauty shining clear,
In every hue, a testament to grace,
Where once was barren, now a sacred place.


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82.   A Short One




I tried. 


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81.   Sorrow's Deep

In twilight’s hush, a storm did brew,
With mighty roars and skies of blue,
A lightning bolt with fearsome might,
Struck down a tree in darkest night.

The tree, once tall, its branches wide,
Was split in two, its strength denied.
The storm, in rage, believed it killed,
And wept in sorrow, tears it spilled.

For seasons passed, the land lay bare,
The storm’s remorse hung in the air.
Yet deep within the broken wood,
Life’s spark endured, as life force should.

Through winter’s chill and springtime’s thaw,
The tree’s resilience left in awe.
New shoots emerged from shattered base,
Green leaves unfurled in tender grace.

The storm returned, its sorrow deep,
To see the tree wake from its sleep.
With gentle rains, it tried to mend,
The wounds it caused, to be a friend.

The tree looked up, with leaves so bright,
And whispered in the soft moonlight,
“Forgiveness comes, as life renews,
From pain and hurt, new beauty brews.”

The storm and tree, in nature’s dance,
Embraced the chance of second chance.
In hurt and healing, life’s grand scheme,
New chapters born from shattered dream.

Thus, tree and storm, through trial, strife,
Found strength in love, a new-found life.
For even in the darkest night,
Hope blooms anew with morning light.


WWW (06/12/24)

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80.   The Eternal Leaf


In Liora’s heart, a towering tree stood tall,
The Tree of Eternity, with leaves so bright.
Each century, a single leaf would fall,
Bestowing endless life, a wondrous sight.

Adventurers from far and wide would seek
The magic leaf, to claim eternal breath.
Elara, healer, driven by the weak,
Hoped to dispel her village’s looming death.

Through tangled woods and shadowed glens, she roamed,
Her heart aflame with hope, her spirit strong.
For years she journeyed, far away from home,
Her quest for life’s sweet gift, a timeless song.

At last, she reached the sacred, ancient tree,
And saw the fabled leaf begin to fall.
With trembling hands, she caught it eagerly,
And felt its power surge, a mighty call.

Yet with this gift, a curse she did not see,
For immortality demands a price.
Elara watched her loved one's age and flee,
Her heart now trapped in time's relentless vice.

She wandered through the ages, all alone,
A guardian of Liora’s magic wood.
Her wisdom grew, her sorrow deeply known,
Her warning clear, as by the tree she stood.

"Seek not the leaf," she’d say to those who came,
"For endless life brings solitude and shame."


WWW (06/11/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

79.   Life is but Anew

At sixty years old, William had lived his entire life in a world devoid of color and sound. His perception of the world was limited to shades of gray and silence. Despite this, he had built a life filled with rich textures and vibrant emotions, learning to navigate the world through touch, smell, and the muted vibrations of everyday life.

One crisp morning, everything changed. William underwent a revolutionary medical procedure—an implant that promised to restore his sight and hearing. As he opened his eyes post-surgery, the world erupted into a kaleidoscope of hues. He gasped, seeing the brilliant blue of the sky for the first time. The vibrant green of the trees and the fiery red of roses in his garden left him breathless. Each color was a revelation, an explosion of beauty that he could hardly comprehend.

He stepped outside, where the sun shone warmly on his face. He watched in awe as a butterfly, adorned in vivid yellows and blacks, fluttered past him. The once monochrome world was now a dazzling display of shades and tints, each more astonishing than the last. The sky shifted from the gentle blush of dawn to the deep, serene indigo of twilight, a daily miracle he had never known.

As he ventured further, the implant activated his auditory senses. A symphony of sounds flooded in—the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the distant hum of the city. For the first time, he heard the laughter of children, the gentle patter of rain, and the soothing melody of wind chimes swaying in the breeze. The world was alive with music, a constant, ever-changing composition that filled his heart with joy.

William found himself drawn to the park, where he marveled at the vibrant autumn leaves, each crunch underfoot a symphonic delight. He watched a fountain, mesmerized by the sparkling droplets of water, each splash a note in the harmony of nature. Every step was a new discovery, every glance a painting, every sound a melody.

In his home, he spent hours exploring the colorful spines of books, the vibrant brushstrokes of paintings he had collected but never truly seen. He played music, feeling the rhythm in his bones and hearing the notes dance around him. He learned to associate faces with voices, marveling at the rich timbre of his daughter’s laugh and the comforting tone of his wife’s voice.

William’s journey was one of wonder and renewal. Each day, he embraced the vibrant tapestry of life, savoring every hue and harmony. He realized that, despite his sixty years, he was seeing and hearing the world for the first time, his soul reborn in a symphony of colors and sounds.


WWW (06/03/24)

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78.   Soul's Rejuvenated

William sat in his dimly lit home; the room cluttered with remnants of a life that once brimmed with purpose. Now, at seventy-seven, he felt the weight of years pressing heavily on his frail shoulders. Every morning, he shuffled past the mirror in the hallway, avoiding the reflection of the old man who stared back at him with weary eyes. Today, something urged him to stop and look.

Hesitantly, William faced the mirror. The man gazing back at him had deep lines etched into his face and silver hair that had once been a vibrant auburn. His eyes, though dulled by time, still held a flicker of the passionate spirit that had once driven him. As he stared, a curious sensation tingled through him, like the whisper of a long-forgotten memory.

Suddenly, the reflection began to shift. The deep lines smoothed out, the silver strands transformed into rich auburn locks, and the eyes regained their youthful spark. William saw himself as he had been at twenty-five – a young man full of dreams, standing at the precipice of a promising future. He remembered the days when he would rise with the sun, eager to conquer the world, each day an adventure, each challenge a stepping stone.

His mind flooded with memories of laughter and love, of triumphs and trials that had shaped him. He saw himself dancing with his beloved wife at their wedding, the pride in his parents’ eyes when he graduated, the joy of holding his newborn son for the first time. Those were the days when life had felt boundless, and he was unstoppable.

William's heart swelled with a forgotten vigor. The reflection of his younger self smiled at him, a silent reminder of the strength and resilience that still lay within. He felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, a warmth spreading through his chest, igniting his spirit.

As the image in the mirror returned to that of the old man, William turned away, but the change had already taken root. The old man was still there, but now, he was imbued with a newfound sense of purpose. William walked back to his cluttered living room with a lighter step and a brighter outlook.

He began to tidy up, discarding the relics of a life lived in inertia. He called his son, making plans for a long-awaited visit. He dusted off his old typewriter, determined to finally write the memoir he had always dreamed of.

William's soul was rejuvenated, his spirit aligned with the youthful vigor he had seen in the mirror. He realized that age was but a number, and as long as his heart beat with the rhythm of dreams, he could achieve anything. The man who had once felt defeated now embraced each day with the fervor of his youth, ready to make the most of the time he had left.


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77.   O Spring, My Love


O Spring, thou art my heart’s most cherished muse,
Thy verdant breath doth whisper life anew.
With thee, the world sheds Winter’s somber hues,
And bathes in blossoms kissed by morning dew.

Thy gentle touch wakes flora from their sleep,
In thee, the earth revives in vibrant bloom.
Thy promise sweet, in fragrant airs doth seep,
Dispelling Winter’s cold, oppressive gloom.

Each bud and leaf, with love, my soul doth fill,
For in thy grace, my spirit finds its song.
Thy beauty stirs my heart with tender thrill,
And to thy season, I forever long.

O Spring, my love, thou art the year’s delight,
With thee, the world is bathed in purest light.


For this I am grateful for the inventor of the Thesaurus, The English Physician Peter Mark Roget. He has given my words, many words. 


WWW (06/02/24)

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76.   Beneath the Azure Sky

Beneath the azure sky, a tree stands bright,
Its trunk a beacon, purest white and round,
A sentinel of shade from sun’s harsh light,
With branches swaying gently, safe and sound.


Its blossoms, delicate as morning’s breath,
Unfold in hues of dawn, a tender grace,
Their fragrance softens sorrow, stills all death,
A balm to weary hearts in summer's place.


In days of past, I found my solace there,
Beneath its canopy, a world apart,
The whispers of the wind, a loving care,
The tree, a cherished friend within my heart.


But time has swept its leaves away from me,
Yet in my dreams, its presence shall always be.

Amid the meadow, stands a tree of white,
Its trunk a circle, perfect in its form,
A refuge from the sun’s relentless might,
A haven where the heart can rest and warm.


Its flowers bloom in colors soft and fair,
A spectrum born from dreams and morning dew,
Their fragrance weaves a spell upon the air,
A promise that the world can still renew.


In earlier days, I sought its cooling shade,
Its branches wrapped me in a sweet embrace,
A silent friend where memories were made,
Its whispers calmed my soul, a gentle place.


Though time has moved this dear tree from my view,
Its spirit lives in all the things I do.

WWW (05/30/24)

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75.   Sweet Dreams Lullaby

Hush now, close your eyes, my dear,
The moon is bright, the stars are near.
Softly whispers the night so mild,
Dream sweet dreams, my precious child.

The world is calm, the night is still,
The gentle breeze on the windowsill.
Angels watch with wings so light,
Guarding you through the quiet night.

Rest your head, let worries fade,
In dreamland where magic is made.
With teddy bears and lullaby tunes,
Sail on clouds, past silver moons.

Sleep now, darling, drift away,
To where the sweetest dreams will stay.
In my arms, you're safe and warm,
Protected from all harm and storm.

Close your eyes, the night is deep,
Love surrounds you, go to sleep.
Dream of wonders, pure and bright,
Goodnight, my love, goodnight, goodnight.


WWW (05/27/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


74.   What Would Happen if Musical Horns Could Magically Play Themselves?

I was posed this question, so I gave it some serios thought and interestingly enough a serious answer came to my mind. Kind of boring but here it is: 


If musical horns magically played themselves, several intriguing and potentially disruptive scenarios could unfold:


Public Entertainment and Mystical Performances:


These self-playing horns could become a major attraction in public spaces, providing impromptu concerts and adding an element of magic to festivals and events. Imagine parks, squares, and concert halls featuring instruments that perform without human intervention, creating a whimsical and enchanting atmosphere.

Impact on Musicians and the Music Industry:


Professional musicians might initially feel threatened by the competition from self-playing horns. However, they could also find new opportunities to collaborate with these magical instruments, leading to innovative performances where human skill and magic interplay harmoniously.
Composers and conductors might adapt by writing pieces specifically for self-playing instruments, exploring new musical possibilities and expanding the repertoire in unexpected ways.

Cultural and Social Implications:


The phenomenon of self-playing horns could inspire a resurgence of interest in traditional brass instruments and classical music, as well as fostering curiosity about magic and its applications.
These instruments might also become symbols of magic and mystery in popular culture, influencing literature, movies, and art. They could appear as key elements in stories, representing enchantment and the unknown.

Economic Effects:


The market for magical horns could become lucrative, with high demand from collectors, musicians, and entertainment venues. The rarity and novelty of such instruments could drive up their value, making them prized possessions.
Conversely, the production of traditional horns might see a decline if self-playing horns become widespread, leading to shifts in manufacturing and sales within the music industry.

Technological and Magical Research:


Scientists and magicians might collaborate to study these instruments, seeking to understand the underlying magic and potentially applying the principles to other areas. This could lead to advancements in both magical and technological fields, opening new avenues for innovation.


Practical Challenges and Ethical Considerations:


There might be challenges in controlling and maintaining these self-playing horns. Ensuring that they play in harmony with other instruments and do not malfunction would be crucial.
Ethical questions could arise regarding the use of magic in everyday life, such as who controls the horns and for what purposes they are used. Ensuring that the magic is used responsibly and does not disrupt society would be a significant concern.

Overall, self-playing musical horns would introduce a blend of magic and music into daily life, creating opportunities and challenges across various domains. The integration of such magical elements could lead to a richer cultural experience, while also prompting society to address new questions about the role of magic in the modern world.


WWW (05/24/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


73.   From my Old Horn...

I sat in my dimly lit study, the walls adorned with pictures of me in my younger days, cradling my beloved trombone. The golden instrument, now tarnished with age, lay in its case on the bookshelf, a silent testament to a bygone era. I had once breathed life into the trombone, weaving tapestries of sound that enchanted audiences and brought jazz to vibrant, pulsing life. But as the years went by, my once nimble fingers stiffened, and the music gradually faded into silence.

In its place, I discovered a new gift. Words, once mere accomplices to my melodies, now flowed from me with the same grace and intensity that my music once did. Stories poured forth, filled with rich characters and vivid landscapes, capturing the essence of emotions that I could no longer express through music. My tales spread far and wide, earning me new admirers who marveled at my ability to spin narratives that touched the heart.

Yet, deep inside, I felt a lingering ache. I missed the feel of the trombone against my lips, the thrill of improvisation, and the connection with the audience through the universal language of music. Writing filled a part of my soul, but it never quite replaced the joy of playing my trombone. The stories were my new symphonies, but the memory of my old tunes haunted me.

One rainy evening, I sat by the window, watching droplets race down the glass. Inspiration struck me like a lightning bolt. What if I could merge my two passions? I pulled out an old notebook, its pages yellowed and brittle and began to write. My story was about a jazz musician who, like me, had lost his ability to play but found solace in writing. The protagonist discovered a magical trombone that could translate written words into music, blending the beauty of storytelling with the power of jazz.

My pen danced across the paper, and I felt a sense of rebirth. As I crafted my tale, I imagined my character’s journey, the rediscovery of music through a different medium. The story grew, resonating with a deep truth I hadn’t fully realized: my music was never truly gone; it had just found a new form of expression.

When I finished, I felt a profound sense of accomplishment. I looked at my trombone and smiled. Maybe, just maybe, I could play again. Not with the same youthful vigor, but with a new understanding. I picked up the horn, and though my notes were rusty, they carried the weight of my words and the depth of my experiences.

I knew I was on a path to having both—my stories and my music. In that moment, the boundaries between my past and present blurred, and I felt whole once more.


WWW (05/20/24)

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72.   The Silly Butterfly

In a garden, bright and sunny,
Lives a butterfly so funny.
With wings of gold and spots of blue,
It dances in the morning dew.

It flutters high, it flutters low,
To every flower, it will go.
"Good morning, rose! Hello, daisy!"
It never stops, it's never lazy.

One day it tried to hug a bee,
But that bee was not so free.
It buzzed around and gave a sting,
"Oh no!" said butterfly, "That stings!"

With band-aid wings, it flew away,
"Next time, I'll just stick to play!"
It found a leaf, so soft and green,
To dream of places, it has been.

Goodnight, dear friends, sleep tight, sleep tight,
Who knew bees could pack a bite!


WWW (05/19/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

71.   A Sonnet on Writing, Discovery, and Learning

When pen meets page, my mind begins to weave,
A tapestry of thoughts in silken strands.
In Broca's realm, where language finds reprieve,
Ideas flow from the heart through guiding hands.

In quest of truth, discovery ignites,
A spark within the brain's electric core.
The nucleus accumbens, pure delight,
Doth shower dopamine, an endless store.

When knowledge dawns, the hippocampus sings,
Imprinting memories in neural lace.
Through pathways strong, the mind expands its wings,
Embracing every challenge, every grace.

Yet heart and mind, in tandem, craft and mold,
For learning's light shines bright, both warm and bold.


This was not easy; it took many days to unfold. 

WWW (05/19/24)

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70.   Why Me? The Tree.

Beneath the canopy where shadows play,
Two ancient trees stood firm, their branches high,
With roots entwined and leaves that kissed the day,
Their whispers blending with the forest's sigh.
Yet fate decreed that one would meet its end,
Its bark to feel the woodsman’s cruel blade,
While one would stand, its life allowed to blend,
With his eyes reflecting years of work and toil,

"My choice is not of malice, but of ways,
To honor both the forest and its soil.
Your friend, though strong, has weathered storms severe,
Its heartwood weak, its branches prone to break,
By felling it, I safeguard all that's here,
Ensuring health for every tree at stake.

You, steadfast oak, will stand to tell the tale,
Of how your friend in sacrifice did fall,
To save the woods from fate’s destructive gale,
And thus preserve the lives within this hall.
The forest breathes with balance hard and true,
A lesson learned through tears, from me to you."


WWW (05/16/24)

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69.   The Flicker Still Remains

Upon life's stage, where shadows softly fall,
A solitary soul, in quiet grace,
Doth wander through the labyrinthine hall,
In search of love's elusive, tender trace.

With each step forward, time doth swift erase,
Yet in the heart, a flicker still remains,
A yearning flame that lights the darkest space,
And whispers secrets in the silent plains.

Though storms may rage and winds may howl in vain,
Love's steadfast beacon guides the weary heart,
Through valleys deep and mountains steep with pain,
It leads, unwavering, from start to part.

So let us seize the moment, bold and true,
And in love's light, our destinies pursue.


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68.   The Poetic Eights

In a woodland glade where shadows gently sway,
Eight notes, in melody, their souls ignite,
Amidst the verdant boughs where sunbeams play,
They waltz, a symphony of pure delight.

Yet hark, a staff, five lines, with stern demand,
Enwraps them in its rigid, scripted hold,
No longer may they roam the forest grand,
But in its grasp, a new tale shall unfold.

"The Great Eights," they're dubbed, in chorus bold,
Their captive spirits find a common beat,
United, each note's essence, manifold,
In harmony, their melodies complete.

No longer lone, but part of a grand fleet,
They dance across the staves with newfound might,
Their music, like a river, pure and fleet,
Brings joy and wonder in the darkest night.

For in their capture, they have found release,
Their voices joined, their melodies increase.

WWW (05/16/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

67.   The Great Eights

In a wooded forest, where the whispers of the trees mingled with the rustle of leaves, there danced a merry band of musical notes. A do, a ray, a mi, a fa, a so, a la, a ti, and another do twirled and swirled amongst the shadows, their melodies painting the air with vibrant hues.

But their joyous reverie was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of a five-line staff, its presence commanding attention amidst the greenery. With precision and purpose, the staff captured each note, imprisoning them within its rigid lines.

Confused and apprehensive, the notes glanced at each other, uncertain of their fate. Yet the staff, with an air of authority, declared, "You shall no longer roam freely. From this day forth, you are 'The Great Eights'."

At first, the notes resisted, their spirits dampened by the confines of their new identity. But soon, they realized the potential for harmony within their captivity. Each note brought its unique flavor to the ensemble, blending together in a symphony of sound.

The do led with its steadfast determination, anchoring the group with its solid foundation. The ray added a touch of brightness, its cheerful demeanor lifting the spirits of all. The mi brought depth and emotion, weaving intricate melodies that stirred the soul.

Together, they found strength in unity, their individual strengths complementing one another in perfect balance. And as they played, their music echoed through the forest, enchanting all who heard it.

For though they had been captured by the five-line staff, they had found freedom in their music. And as "The Great Eights," they would continue to dance through the forest, their melodies weaving tales of joy and wonder for all eternity.


WWW (05/16/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

66.   The Violent Rainbow...


In the smoky dimness of a jazz club, where the air was thick with the lingering notes of the trombones, saxophones and the clinking of glasses, there existed a momentary tranquility. A lone pianist sat at the keys, fingers caressing the ivory with the tenderness of a lover's touch. His melody was a slow dance, a serenade to the night, weaving through the room like silk ribbons in the wind.

But outside, beyond the frosted windows, chaos brewed in the heavens. A storm gathered, fierce and unforgiving, its tempest swirling with colors unseen. It was a violent rainbow, a clash of beauty and fury, its hues raging against the calm of the night.

As the jazz reached its crescendo, the storm descended upon the city. Rain fell in torrents, thunder roared like a lion, and lightning streaked across the sky in jagged defiance. Yet still, the pianist played on, his music a beacon of light in the darkness.

Amidst the chaos, there was a strange harmony, a delicate balance between the storm's fury and the jazz's grace. Each note was a drop of rain, falling softly upon the pavement, each chord a flash of lightning, illuminating the night with its brilliance.

And so they danced, the jazz and the storm, in a symphony of contrast and contradiction. One moment, a gentle whisper in the ear, the next, a violent roar tearing through the night. Yet somehow, in their collision, they found a kind of unity, a shared rhythm that echoed through the streets.

For even in the darkest of storms, there is beauty to be found, a melody waiting to be heard. And as the last notes faded into the night, the world was left with a sense of wonder, a memory of a moment when a slow jazz song collided with a violent rainbow, and something magical was born.


WWW (05/15/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

65.   A Painting as a Haiku?

A painting as a haiku?
With brushstrokes sparse and concise,
Whispers of the soul.

Once upon a canvas vast,
A solitary scene was cast,
With strokes of color, bold and bright,
A painting whispered in the light.

In hues of blue and gold it spoke,
Of mountains high and valleys broke,
A river winding, swift and free,
A reflection of eternity.

Each brushstroke, like a syllable,
In harmony, so lyrical,
A haiku painted on the page,
Capturing the essence of an age.

For in this scene, so simple yet profound,
A story of the world was found,
A moment frozen, still and true,
A painting as a haiku.


I have learned much since writing this many months ago... this is not a good work of words. There are no Haikus here. 


WWW (05/13/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

64.   The Four Season Haiku

Blossoms softly sway,
Birds sing in the bright new day,
Spring's dance in full play.

Sun-kissed days so bright,
Laughter floats on warm breezes,
Summer's embrace light.


Leaves cascade like gold,
Nature's canvas, colors bold,
Autumn's tale unfolds.

Snowflakes gently fall,
Whispers of frost in the air,
Winter's hush enthralls.


WWW (05/13/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

63.   The Flutterbys and Squrrelle

Two Flutterbys, with wings so grand,
Sought a friend in a far-off land,
They spied a squirrelle, a fuzzy ball,
And thought, "Let's give him a call!"

The squirrelle blinked, a bit surprised,
As the Flutterbys swooped and sized,
Around him, they twirled, so spry,
He chuckled, "Well, ain't this fly!"

Together they danced, in quite a show,
Through the meadow, to and fro,
The squirrelle tried to join in the spree,
But ended up stuck in a tree!

With laughter, they watched, as he hung,
"I guess this game's just for young,"
But the squirrelle grinned, not feeling down,
"I'll just watch you from the upside down!"


WWW (05/13/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


62.   The Pleasing Tree


"I want to write a poem about a Pleasing tree."
"A tree?", He said, "Why not a lilac bee?"
She quipped: A lilac bee? "Oh please!"
"Just sit, or take a knee, you'll see."
"I will write a song about a melodious tree",
And we'll all sing to my harmonious bee.
And then we'll be glad.


WWW (05/13/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

61.   Haiku's Haiku


In syllables light,
A haiku takes flight, fleeting,
Echoes of insight.


Verse in three lines bound,
Essence captured, thoughts profound,
Haiku's grace, unbound.


In syllables light,
Haiku takes flight, brief and bright,
Whispers of insight.


WWW (05/13/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

60.   Dreams Part I

William Wonder was a peculiar old man, known throughout the small town for his vibrant imagination. But what set William apart wasn't just his whimsical tales or his knack for painting vivid pictures with words; it was his dreams—dreams that unfolded in breathtaking color.

Every night, as William drifted into slumber, his mind transported him to realms where hues danced and shimmered like never before. In his dreams, the sky wasn't just blue; it was a tapestry of azure, cerulean, and sapphire, blending seamlessly with wisps of cotton candy clouds.

One night, William found himself wandering through a forest of emerald trees, their leaves glistening with dewdrops of jade and peridot. Fireflies flitted about, leaving trails of neon green and electric blue in their wake. As he ventured deeper, he stumbled upon a clearing where flowers of every shade imaginable bloomed in abundance. Each petal held a spectrum of color, painting the air with an intoxicating aroma.

But it wasn't just the natural world that dazzled William's dreaming mind. He found himself in bustling cities aglow with neon lights, each building a canvas of vibrant graffiti and murals that told stories of love, hope, and dreams.

In his dreams, William wasn't confined by the limitations of reality. He soared through the skies on wings of crimson and gold, diving into oceans where coral reefs shimmered in hues of coral, turquoise, and amethyst.

As dawn approached, William would reluctantly awaken, longing to return to the kaleidoscope of his dreams. But he carried the colors with him, infusing his waking world with the same wonder and enchantment he found in his nocturnal journeys.

And so, William Wonder lived his life, a dreamer in both waking and sleeping hours, forever enchanted by the technicolor tapestry of his imagination.


Part one is a tale of my hopeful imagination. Part two is my reality. 


WWW (05/12/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

59.    Dreams Part II


In the heart of the storm that was Desert Storm, I found myself amidst the chaos as a sailor aboard a naval vessel, USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), navigating the treacherous waters of the Persian Gulf. Each day brought new challenges, new dangers lurking beneath the surface of the seemingly endless expanse of water.

As the conflict raged on, I witnessed the toll it exacted, the lives lost to the merciless fury of war. Friends and comrades fell in battle, their sacrifices a stark reminder of the cost of freedom.

Yet amidst the devastation, there were moments of courage and heroism. There were sailors and soldiers alike, that risked their lives to save others, their selflessness shining like beacons in the darkness of war. Together, we weathered the storm, standing firm in the face of adversity, united in our determination to prevail.

And prevail we did. Through perseverance and sacrifice, we emerged victorious, our resolve unbroken, our spirits undimmed. The war may have ended, but its echoes lingered, etched into the memories of those who had borne witness to its fury.

As we sailed homeward, the weight of our losses heavy upon us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what we had accomplished. We had faced the ultimate test and emerged stronger for it; our bonds forged in the crucible of war.

Though the scars of battle may fade with time, the lessons learned will endure. We had seen the best and worst of humanity, witnessed the depths of despair and the heights of courage. And through it all, we had prevailed.

Nearing home, I gazed out over the horizon as we sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge one more time, the sun setting in a blaze of crimson and gold, I knew that we had won more than just a war. We had won the right to live in freedom, to cherish the moments of peace that we had fought so hard to achieve. And for that, I would be forever grateful.


Time would soon pass and yet, despite the victory, the memories of war lingered like shadows in the corners of my mind. In the quiet of night, I would find myself haunted by nightmares, the echoes of battles past reverberating through my dreams. The sounds of distant gunfire and explosions would ring in my ears, the faces of fallen comrades haunting my sleep.

But amidst the darkness, there was also hope—a glimmer of light that refused to be extinguished. For alongside the nightmares, there were moments of peace, of solace found in the company of loved ones and the warmth of a new day dawning.

And so, I faced each night with courage, knowing that even in the darkest of times, there was still light to be found. For though the scars of war may never fully heal, they serve as a reminder of the strength that lies within us all, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. And as I sailed into the future, I carried with me the lessons learned and the memories forged in the crucible of war, determined to live each day to its fullest, in honor of those who had fallen and in gratitude for the peace we had fought so hard to achieve.


WWW (05/12/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

58.   If

If letters were but scribbles and numbers, mere doodles,
A world adrift, in chaotic muddles.
Ink on parchment, lines entwined,
No sense in letters, no math to find.

A's and B's, once clear and crisp,
Now lost in scribbles, their meaning adrift.
And 1's and 2's, once orderly in score,
Now aimless doodles, nothing more.

No tales spun, no equations solved,
In this realm where meaning dissolved.
The alphabet's song silenced, its rhythm lost,
Numbers' logic shattered; their sequence tossed.

Yet within this chaos, a glimmer, a clue,
A palette of colors, vibrant and true.
For within the scribbles and doodles, a canvas vast,
Creativity thrives, unbound and steadfast.

No rules to bind, no patterns to ensnare,
Just freedom to create, without a care.
Letters and numbers, in their jumbled state,
Become the raw materials from which we innovate.

So let the scribbles dance, the doodles play,
In this world where chaos holds sway.
For amidst disorder, beauty finds its way,
In the colors of creation, where answers may lay.


WWW (05/12/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


57.   The Oak's Soul

Beneath the oak's embrace, we find
Freedom whispers on the wind,
Roots anchored deep, yet branches reach
To skies where dreams in sunlight breach.

Hope, a tender bud, unfurls,
Promising tomorrows, worlds
Of light in darkest nights, it sings
Of endless possibility, wings
To lift our souls above the fray,
To guide us through the weary day.

Giving, like the oak's bounty spread,
Nourishes hearts, the spirit fed
By acts of kindness, small and grand,
Connecting us across the land.

Life's dance, beneath the oak's wise gaze,
Each moment treasured in its maze
Of leaves and light, a symphony
Of joy, in nature's reverie.


WWW (05/11/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


56.   Be Still the Oak 

Underneath the ancient branches of the old oak tree, where sunlight filters through the leaves like specks of gold dust, one cannot help but ponder the essence of freedom. The oak stands as a silent sentinel, its roots delving deep into the earth, anchoring it firmly to the ground while its branches reach outwards, embracing the vastness of the sky. In its steadfastness, there lies a lesson on the nature of freedom – it is not merely the absence of constraints, but the ability to grow, to stretch one's limbs towards the heavens, to explore the boundless possibilities that life offers.

Hope, like the delicate buds that unfurl upon the oak's gnarled boughs each spring, whispers promises of renewal and possibility. It is the belief that even in the darkest of times, there exists the potential for light to pierce through the shadows, illuminating the path forward. Beneath the oak's canopy, surrounded by the symphony of rustling leaves and birdsong, one can find solace in the notion that tomorrow holds the promise of better days, of dreams yet to be realized, and of aspirations waiting to take flight.

Giving, much like the oak's generous bounty of acorns, teaches us the profound joy that comes from sharing our blessings with others. Just as the tree selflessly provides sustenance for myriad creatures, so too do we find fulfillment in extending a helping hand, in offering kindness without expecting anything in return. Beneath the oak's sprawling branches, one is reminded of the interconnectedness of all living beings, and the ripple effect of even the smallest act of generosity on the tapestry of existence.

Life, in all its complexity and beauty, finds expression in the dance of sunlight and shadow beneath the oak tree's verdant canopy. It is a reminder that each moment is precious, each breath a gift to be savored and cherished. From the whisper of the wind through the leaves to the gentle sway of branches in the breeze, the oak imparts the wisdom of embracing the present, of finding joy in the simple pleasures that surround us.

So let us sit beneath the old oak tree, enveloped in its timeless embrace, and ponder the mysteries of freedom, hope, giving, and life. For in the quietude of nature's sanctuary, we may just find the answers we seek, and the wisdom to navigate the journey that lies ahead.


WWW (05/11/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


55.   My Colored Image


Accidental but, the moment those droplets of paint splattered onto my knee, it was as if a kaleidoscope of possibilities erupted into existence. Without warning, I found myself adorned in a tapestry of colors, each hue weaving its own narrative upon my skin.

The first splash, a bold crimson, spoke of my passion and fervor, igniting the canvas of my being with its fiery intensity. It mingled effortlessly with a burst of sunshine yellow, infusing my spirit with the warmth of optimism and the promise of brighter days ahead.

As I watched, mesmerized, azure blues and emerald greens danced across my skin, embodying the tranquil calmness of my soul and the adventurous spirit that propels me forward. Each stroke of color became a brushstroke in the grand mural of my life, telling a story of resilience, growth, and unbridled curiosity.

But amidst the riot of colors, there were shadows of midnight black, hinting at the trials and tribulations that have shaped me. Yet, even in darkness, there was beauty, as streaks of silver and gold shimmered with the resilience and strength that reside within.

In that unexpected moment, I became a living canvas, a testament to the beauty of embracing spontaneity and allowing life to paint its own masterpiece upon me. For in the chaos of spilled paint, there lies the freedom to redefine myself, to embrace the vibrant spectrum of experiences that make me who I am.

And as I stood there, adorned in the full bloom of radiant variety, I realized that this accidental artwork upon my knee was the most wonderful story I've ever told about myself—a story of color, chaos, and the boundless beauty of embracing life's unexpected twists and turns.


WWW (05/10/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


54.   My Colored Image II


In an instant, a canvas unfurls,

Upon my knee, a world in swirls.

Drops of color, a joyful cascade,

A symphony of hues, in serenade.

Crimson whispers of passion's flame,

Igniting dreams, without shame.

Sunshine yellow, a radiant gleam,

Illuminate the path, like a sunbeam.

Azure blues, tranquil and serene,

Echoing whispers of places unseen.

Emerald greens, wild and free,

Embrace the unknown, with glee.

Midnight black, a shadow's embrace,

Yet within, a glimmer of grace.

Silver streaks, a shimmering light,

Guiding through the darkest night.

Gold unfolds, a treasure untold,

In the tapestry of life, it's bold.

Each drop a tale, a story to tell,

Of resilience, in the midst of the swell.

Accidental artistry, upon my skin,

A narrative of where I've been.

A masterpiece born of spontaneity,

A testament to life's vibrant beauty.


WWW (05/10/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


53.   Color Finds it's Bow


In solitude they wandered, each color a solitary soul,
Red, fiery and passionate, with tales yet untold.
Orange, bright and warm, seeking its place,
Yellow, radiant and hopeful, longing for grace.

Green, tranquil and serene, amidst the vast expanse,
Blue, deep and introspective, lost in a trance.
Indigo, mysterious and wise, with secrets to unveil,
Violet, regal and bold, yearning to prevail.

Across the land they roamed, amidst fields and streams,
In search of purpose, in pursuit of dreams.
Yet loneliness gripped them, like shadows in the night,
Their vibrant hues dimmed, their spirits taking flight.

Then came the day when the sky turned dark,
A tempest of rain, a tumultuous embark.
Fear seized their hearts, as chaos reigned supreme,
Each color flying solo, like a shattered dream.

But as they soared higher, through clouds so dense,
They beheld a sight, a shimmering fence.
Each color stood distinct, yet together they gleamed,
Unaware of companions, in the clouds they streamed.

Conversations blossomed, connections were found,
In the midst of uncertainty, hope did abound.
A purpose emerged, in their unity they saw,
To calm the raging storm, to enforce nature's law.

In a line they assembled, a rainbow so grand,
Channeling their essence, hand in hand.
The storm subsided, the fury put to rest,
As their colors merged, they were truly blessed.

Above the Earth, a radiant hue,
A symphony of colors, a sight so true.
From isolation to harmony, they found their worth,
In bringing peace and calm, they adorned the Earth.


WWW (04/26/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


53.   Kanine Kaleidescope

In the city's heart, where shadows play,
Two worlds collide in the light of day.
On one side, there's Rusty, rough and wild,
In alleys dark, where dreams are exiled.
His fur unkempt, his spirit free,
A lone wolf, he roams with glee.

On the other side, in a yard pristine,
Lives Bella, the embodiment of serene.
With glossy coat and eyes so bright,
She basks in love's gentle light.
Her days are filled with comfort and care,
In a world where worries are rare.

One fateful day, 'neath the azure sky,
At the chain-link fence, they caught each other's eye.
Rusty approached with cautious grace,
While Bella greeted with a wagging embrace.
Their worlds collided in that fleeting glance,
An encounter born of circumstance.

"What's life like in your world, my friend?"
Bella asked, her voice a gentle blend.
Of curiosity and longing deep,
For the secrets Rusty held to keep.

Rusty sighed, his gaze far and wide,
"In these alleys, I wander with pride.
No fences bind, no rules to heed,
Just the wild wind as my guide indeed.
Yet in the freedom, a loneliness dwells,
Where every shadow its story tells."

Bella listened with empathy true,
For she too had felt the longing hue
Of freedom's call and wild's embrace,
In her heart, a familiar space.
But in her yard, love's tender embrace,
Filled the void with its warm grace.

"But Bella," Rusty spoke again,
"In your world, what's there to gain?
With comforts plenty and love so true,
Is there not a price you pay, too?"

Bella pondered his words with care,
The weight of truth hung in the air.
"For every comfort that I find,
There's a yearning for the wild behind.
In my heart, there's a longing deep,
For the wild places where dreams do leap."

In that moment, amidst the city's throng,
Two souls found solace in a shared song.
For Rusty and Bella, though worlds apart,
Were kindred spirits with beating hearts.
And as they parted, a bond was sown,
In the alley's wild, in the backyard's zone.

For in the end, what they came to see,
Was that in each other, they found unity.
In Rusty's wild and Bella's grace,
They discovered a common place.
A place where fences couldn't divide,
Where two worlds met, side by side.


WWW (04/24/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


52.   The Elemental Battle


In the vast expanse of the sky, the four elements, Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind, clashed in an eternal struggle for dominance. Each believed itself to be superior, and their battles raged across the heavens, fierce and unyielding.

Water surged forth in mighty waves, crashing against Fire's flames with relentless force. Fire roared in defiance, consuming everything in its path, seeking to scorch the earth below. Earth stood firm, unmoved by the chaos above, while Wind howled and whipped around, stirring up turmoil in its wake.

But as their battles raged on, each element grew weary, their strength waning with each passing moment. Slowly, they began to descend from the sky, their once-mighty forms now faltering and weakened.

As they fell towards the earth below, a realization dawned upon them. The ground beneath them was composed of all their elements intertwined – the soil nurtured by Water, warmed by Fire, shaped by Earth, and caressed by Wind. In that moment of revelation, they understood that they were not enemies, but essential components of a greater whole.

With a newfound understanding, Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind cast aside their differences and came together in unity. Water quenched Fire's flames, Fire tempered Earth's stubbornness, Earth provided stability for Wind's wildness, and Wind carried the harmonious blend of their essences across the land.

Together, they created a symphony of balance and harmony, breathing life into the earth below. Where once there was chaos and discord, now there was serenity and peace.

And so, the four elements, once adversaries in the sky, became allies bound by a shared destiny. United in purpose, they flourished, nurturing the world with their collective strength and wisdom, a testament to the power of unity in the face of adversity.


WWW (04/24/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


51.   To the Memory of the USS Enterprise (CVN-65)

As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the vast expanse of the ocean, I found myself standing on the deck of my beloved ship, the USS Carl Vinson. Beside me stood the silhouette of another great vessel, the USS Enterprise. It was a moment tinged with both sadness and nostalgia, for the Enterprise was about to embark on her final voyage before decommissioning.

I had spent many years working between these two ships, forging bonds and friendships that ran deep. The Enterprise wasn't just another ship to me; she was like a sister, a steadfast companion through the trials and triumphs of naval life.

It was back in 1989 when I first came to know her. Fresh-faced and eager, I had joined the crew of the Carl Vinson, ready to serve my country on the high seas. Little did I know then that I would form such a strong connection with the venerable Enterprise.

From the moment I set foot on her decks, I felt a sense of kinship. Perhaps it was the shared experiences we had, the long days and nights spent at sea, or maybe it was something deeper, something that transcended mere steel and machinery.

Over the years, as I shuttled back and forth between the two ships, I came to know the Enterprise intimately. I knew every nook and cranny, every creak and groan of her aging hull. We weathered storms together, faced down adversaries, and celebrated victories as one.

But now, as she prepared to sail into the sunset of her illustrious career, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend, a trusted companion who had always been there for me.

As the crew of the Enterprise made their final preparations for departure, I stood on the deck of the Carl Vinson, watching silently. There was a somberness in the air, a palpable sense of loss mingled with pride for all that the Enterprise had accomplished.

As the moment of departure drew near, I felt a lump form in my throat. I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye, not yet. Instead, I simply stood there, silently paying my respects to a ship that had meant so much to me.

And then, with a low rumble, the Enterprise began to move. Slowly at first, her massive hull cutting through the water with a grace that belied her size. As she gained speed, I could feel the tension in the air, a mixture of sadness and anticipation.

And then, she was gone, disappearing into the distance as the sun dipped below the horizon. I stood there on the deck of the Carl Vinson, watching until she was nothing more than a speck on the horizon, a silent sentinel fading into memory.

But even as the Enterprise sailed off into the sunset, her legacy lived on. In the hearts and minds of those who had served aboard her, she would always be remembered as more than just a ship. She was a symbol of courage, of resilience, of the bond that unites sailors across generations.

And though she may have been decommissioned, her spirit would live on, sailing forever in the annals of naval history.


WWW (04/24/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


50.   Eight Days Deep



Eight days on the ocean's floor,
With a mermaid, whom I adore.

In the depths where silence reigns,
We danced amid the seaweed lanes.


Through ancient wrecks and caverns deep,

In her world, I found secrets to keep.

With phosphorescent glows and whispers low,
Eight days passed in a watery flow.


Beneath the weight of the ocean's might,
In her arms, I found my light.



WWW (04/23/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



49.   I'm Trying

In strokes of light, your art begins to bloom,

Each line a tale, each color sings its tune.

With every brushstroke, mastery you find,

A journey marked by passion, heart, and mind.

Through trials faced and errors made in kind,

Your skills refine, like gems within a mine.

Each canvas tells a story, bold and true,

Of growth and beauty born from what you do.

No artist's path is ever straight and clear,

Yet through the struggle, brilliance will appear.

So let your creativity take flight,

And paint the world with colors pure and bright.

With every stroke, with every shade and hue,

You grow in art, becoming ever new.


WWW (04/22/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


48.   William's Mirror

In the cozy attic of his grandparents' house, young William discovered an old, ornate mirror tucked away amidst forgotten relics. With a sense of childlike wonder, he approached it, his eyes wide with curiosity. As he gazed into the glass, his reflection seemed to shimmer with possibility.

At that moment, William saw himself as he wanted to be: carefree, laughing, and exploring the world with boundless enthusiasm. He saw adventures waiting to be had, dreams waiting to be chased, and a future brimming with excitement. In that youthful innocence, the mirror whispered promises of joy and freedom, reflecting back the image of a boy who believed the world was his to conquer.

But as the years passed and William grew older, the mirror began to show him a different reflection. Lines of responsibility etched themselves upon his face, and the sparkle of youth gradually dimmed. With each passing glance, the mirror seemed to impart a sobering lesson, revealing the complexities and challenges that lay ahead.

"No, life isn't just about fun and freedom," the mirror seemed to say, its voice echoing in William's mind. "There are rules to follow, challenges to overcome, and victories to be earned. It's not always easy, but it's how you grow."

As William matured, he found himself confronted with the harsh realities of life. The mirror no longer reflected carefree laughter and boundless joy, but rather the trials and tribulations of adulthood. Yet, amidst the hardships, there were moments of triumph, of resilience in the face of adversity.

"Life isn't meant to be a game without rules," the mirror reminded him. "It's about navigating the twists and turns, finding your way through the maze, and emerging stronger on the other side."

With each passing year, William found himself facing new challenges and opportunities. Some he approached with confidence, while others tested his resolve to its limits. Yet, through it all, the mirror remained a constant companion, reflecting back not only his outward appearance but also the inner journey of his soul.

As William stood before the mirror, his gaze lingering on the reflection of the man he had become, he couldn't help but wonder about the future that lay ahead. Would he be a winner or a loser in the game of life? The mirror offered no easy answers, no glimpse into destiny's hand.

But as he looked forward, William realized that the true power lay not in the reflection before him but in the choices he made each day. The mirror was merely a reflection of his own imagination, a reminder that while life may not always be fun and free, it was his to shape and mold.

And so, with determination in his heart and purpose in his step, William faced the future with unwavering resolve. For in the end, it was not about the reflection in the mirror but the journey that lay ahead, filled with challenges and victories yet to be won.


WWW (04/22/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


47.   How shall I write it? 

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and babbling brooks, there lived a talented wordsmith named William. William possessed a unique gift for weaving tales and crafting verses that captivated the hearts of all who heard or read his work.

William's journey as a writer began when he was just a child, scribbling verses on scraps of paper and composing fantastical stories in the margins of his school notebooks. As he grew older, his passion for writing blossomed into a deep-seated love for both poetry and storytelling.

At the heart of William's craft lay a profound understanding of the nuances that distinguished poetry from prose. He recognized that poetry was like a delicate tapestry, intricately woven with imagery, metaphor, and rhythm. Each line was carefully crafted to evoke emotion and provoke thought, inviting readers to delve into the depths of their own souls.

In contrast, storytelling for William was akin to painting a vivid landscape with words. He reveled in the freedom of crafting characters, building worlds, and unraveling intricate plots that kept readers eagerly turning the pages. Through his stories, William transported his audience to far-off lands filled with adventure, mystery, and wonder.

Yet, despite the apparent differences between poetry and storytelling, William found that his style transcended the boundaries of both forms. Whether penning a sonnet or spinning a yarn, his writing bore the hallmark of his unique voice. His poetry echoed with the lyrical cadence of his prose, while his stories were imbued with the vivid imagery and emotional depth of his verse.

In William's hands, words became a versatile tool, capable of painting landscapes of the imagination or distilling the essence of human experience into a single line of verse. He embraced the interplay between poetry and storytelling, recognizing that each form enriched the other, allowing him to explore the boundless possibilities of language and expression.

And so, William continued to journey through the realms of poetry and storytelling, blurring the lines between the two as he sought to capture the beauty and complexity of the world around him. For in his heart, he knew that whether he was a poet, a storyteller, or both, his true calling lay in the transformative power of words.


WWW (04/21/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


45.   For Whom the Bell Tolls

John Donne


No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friends were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know.
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

WWW (04/11/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


45.   Death Is Nothing at All



Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Nothing has happened.

Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am I, and you are you,
and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just round the corner.

All is well.
Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!


WWW (04/11/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


44.   A Few Favorites Athletes in my Life

During the 1960s, there were four legendary athletes who dominated their respective sports. Muhammad Ali, widely known as "The Greatest," showcased his boxing prowess and captivating personality, becoming an icon of the sport. Pele, the Brazilian soccer superstar, mesmerized fans with his extraordinary skills and goal-scoring abilities. Jim Brown, a dominant force in American football, set numerous records and left a lasting impact on the game. Wilt Chamberlain, a towering figure in basketball, was renowned for his scoring prowess and dominance on the court.

As the 1970s rolled in, a new generation of athletes emerged, captivating the world with their incredible performances. Terry Bradshaw and Roger Staubach showcased their quarterback skills in American football, leading their teams to multiple Super Bowl victories. Nadia Comăneci, a Romanian gymnast, achieved perfection in her routines, earning the first perfect 10 in Olympic history at the age of 14.

The 1980s introduced some of the most iconic athletes of all time. Michael Jordan, the basketball legend, revolutionized the game with his unmatched athleticism and competitive spirit. Edwin Moses, a track and field star, dominated the hurdles event, establishing an unprecedented winning streak. Wayne Gretzky, known as "The Great One," redefined ice hockey with his exceptional skills and record-breaking achievements. Joe Montana, the quarterback extraordinaire, led the San Francisco 49ers to multiple Super Bowl victories.

In the 1990s, a new wave of talented athletes emerged across various sports. Ronaldo Nehemiah, the Brazilian track hurdler phenomenon, showcased his incredible speed, skills, world record hurdling ability.  John Elway and Dan Marino, two legendary quarterbacks, displayed their talents on the football field, leading their teams to success. Tiger Woods burst onto the golf scene, dominating the sport with his precision and mental fortitude. Usain Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter, electrified the world with his lightning-fast speed and record-breaking performances.

The 2000s witnessed the rise of several remarkable athletes across different disciplines. Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, redefined swimming with his incredible endurance and record-breaking achievements. Roger Federer, the Swiss tennis maestro, mesmerized audiences with his elegant playing style and numerous Grand Slam victories. Shaun White, the snowboarding phenom, pushed the boundaries of the sport with his gravity-defying tricks and multiple Olympic gold medals. Tom Brady, the quarterback extraordinaire, became a football legend, winning multiple Super Bowl titles with his leadership and skill. Simone Biles, the gymnastics sensation, showcased her unparalleled athleticism and artistry, capturing the hearts of fans around the world.

In the 2010s, Cristiano Ronaldo continued his dominance in soccer, dazzling fans with his goal-scoring prowess and versatility. As we enter the 2020s, Nikola Jokić, the Serbian basketball star, has emerged as a force to be reckoned with, showcasing his exceptional skills and basketball IQ.

These athletes from different decades have left an indelible mark on the world of sports, inspiring generations to come and reminding us of the extraordinary power of human potential.


WWW (04/11/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


43.   I'm Learning How to rite, Right. 

Ink stains on fingertips, words pirouette on blank pages— A journey untold.

Letters stumble, then soar, across vast expanses of white, each stroke a tentative step, into the abyss of the unknown.

From scribbles of innocence, to structured lines of clarity, mistakes become signposts, guiding through the maze of thought.

In the silence of creation, heart murmurs, mind weaves, writing is self-discovery, in the intricate tapestry of language, finding freedom, finding voice.


WWW (04/02/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


Tulip Art

42.   Tulip Art

On sidewalks paved with gray and cold,
Where weary feet in haste unfold,
There blooms a world of vibrant art,
A canvas where dreams gently start.

In hues of paint, imagination flows,
On concrete slates, where wonder grows.
William's hands, with playful grace,
Craft masterpieces in every space.

Among the sketches, bright and bold,
Red tulips rise, a sight to behold.
Their petals dance in the gentle breeze,
A symphony of colors, if you please.

Sidewalks adorned with tulips' grace,
Transformed into a magical place.
Each bloom a beacon of joy and cheer,
Dispelling shadows, drawing near.

In the artist's hands, the world unfolds,
Through painted strokes, stories untold.
And amidst the tulips, red as flame,
Whispers of beauty quietly proclaim.

So let us stroll these painted streets,
Where art and nature sweetly meet.
Where red tulips and sidewalk art collide,
In a symphony of beauty, side by side.


WWW (03/27/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


41.   I am not the Sun

In the sky, a grapefruit flew so high, dreaming big, aiming for the sky's bright eye.

"I want to be the sun!" it proclaimed with glee, but stars scoffed, "That's not how it's meant to be."

Undeterred, our grapefruit soared with might, through clouds and stars, chasing the light.

Though the sun's role it couldn't attain, its spirit shimmered, never waned.

With each glide, a sparkle, a glow, spreading joy to those below.

Though not the sun, in skies it danced, a radiant star, in every glance.

A Grapefruit Named Lucy

WWW (03/27/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


WWW (03/25/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


40.   If I Can Make it to Spring

In the quiet solitude of his backyard, amidst the rustling of leaves and the gentle chirping of birds, Bill, as his friends called him, sat, his weathered hands cradling a cool cup of iced tea. His eyes, aged and wise, gazed out at the world around him, taking in the vibrant hues of autumn as they danced across the landscape.
"If I can make it to spring, I'll be okay," he murmured to himself, the words a mantra that echoed in the stillness of the afternoon. It was a simple thought, born from a lifetime of challenges and triumphs, a beacon of hope that guided him through the darkest of days.
As he sat there, surrounded by the beauty of nature, he found solace in life's simple pleasures. He watched as squirrels chase each other through the trees, their playful antics bringing a smile to his weathered face. The birds, too, seemed to sense his presence, their songs, a melody that soothed his weary soul.
In those moments, the old man felt a sense of peace wash over him, a reminder that even amid uncertainty, there was still beauty to be found in the world. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to be enveloped by the moment's tranquility, letting the worries of yesterday and the fears of tomorrow drift away on the gentle breeze.
Weeks turned into months, and still, the old man sat in his backyard, his eyes fixed on the horizon, his heart filled with hope. Each passing day brought him closer to his goal, and with each passing day, he found strength in the knowledge that spring was just around the corner.
But as the seasons changed and the world around him bloomed with new life, the old man's presence in his backyard grew scarce. His chair remained empty, his cup of tea untouched, leaving those who knew him to wonder if he had indeed made it to spring.
Yet, in the hearts of those who loved him, the old man's spirit lived on, a testament to the resilience of the human soul and the enduring power of hope. And though his journey may have ended, his legacy remained a reminder to cherish each moment and to never lose sight of the beauty that surrounds us, even in the darkest of times.

WWW (03/24/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


39.   Being Stuck

In a silent room, where thoughts should bloom,
A writer sits, consumed by gloom.
Words once danced upon the page,
Now trapped within a mental cage.
A symphony of silence reigns,
As creativity feels the chains.
Yet in the darkest, coldest night,
Hope whispers softly: "words ignite."


WWW (03/22/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


38.   A Single Pair of Feet...

In the ancient land of Pangea, where all the continents were once united, the Earth and the people’s feet began their conversation. The Earth, with its vast landscapes and deep oceans, spoke of the wonders it held and the challenges it presented. The feet, at this point, they all held the same culture and language of the world, Abrahamic , no shared  experiences and perspectives.


As the first humans walked upon the Earth, their feet felt the warmth of the soil beneath them. They marveled at the abundance of nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings. The Earth, in turn, embraced their footsteps, providing a foundation for their existence.


The people's feet spoke of the struggles they faced in their early days. They recounted tales of hunting for food, building shelters, and surviving harsh climates. The Earth listened, understanding the hardships they endured and the resilience they displayed.


As time passed, the land of Pangea began to split, forming separate continents. The people's feet dispersed across the globe, each carrying their unique stories and languages. The Earth embraced this diversity, cherishing the richness it brought to its surface. It is at this point the people’s all have newly formed languages and cultures signifying their vast differences.


From the plains of Africa to the mountains of Asia, the people's feet shared their triumphs and tribulations. They spoke of civilizations rising and falling, of wars fought and peace sought. The Earth listened, absorbing the weight of their words, understanding the complexities of human existence.


The feet spoke of the fortunes of life, of great discoveries and advancements. They shared tales of scientific breakthroughs, artistic masterpieces, and cultural exchanges. The Earth rejoiced, for it saw the beauty that emerged from the human spirit.


But the feet also spoke of the struggles that persisted. They spoke of inequality, discrimination, and the destruction of the environment. The Earth listened, feeling the pain and sorrow that echoed through its core.


From the Americas to Europe, from Australia to Antarctica, the feet continued their conversation. They spoke in different languages, yet their words carried the same longing for a better world. The Earth understood, for it had witnessed the dreams and aspirations of countless generations.


As the conversation reached the present day, the feet and the Earth reflected on the challenges that lay ahead. They spoke of climate change, social injustice, and the need for unity. The Earth urged the feet to walk together, to embrace compassion and empathy, and to protect the fragile balance of life.


And so, the conversation between the feet and the Earth continued, transcending borders and languages. They spoke of hope, resilience, and the power of collective action. The Earth, with its unwavering support, encouraged the feet to tread lightly, to nurture the planet they called home.


In this ongoing dialogue, the feet and the Earth found solace and inspiration. They understood that their destinies were intertwined, that the struggles and fortunes of life were shared experiences. And as they walked hand in hand, they embarked on a journey towards a future where harmony and sustainability prevailed.


For the Earth and the feet knew that only through unity and understanding could they create a world that honored the past, embraced the present, and safeguarded the future for generations to come....




Only hundred years had passed since the last human footsteps graced the Earth. The once bustling cities now stood in silence, reclaimed by nature. The conversation between the Earth and the people's feet had come to a pause, but the Earth continued to speak, its voice echoing through the empty landscapes.


The Earth spoke of the resilience it had witnessed in the human race, the triumphs and failures, the joys and sorrows. It reminisced about the diverse cultures, languages, and traditions that once flourished across the continents. The absence of human presence was felt deeply, but the Earth remained steadfast, carrying the memories of a bygone era.


Without the feet, the Earth began to heal. Nature reclaimed its dominion, as forests grew denser, rivers flowed freely, and wildlife thrived. The scars of human impact slowly faded, and the Earth reveled in its newfound tranquility.


As the years passed, the Earth's voice became a gentle whisper, a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life. It spoke of the importance of balance and harmony, urging the planet's inhabitants, now predominantly flora and fauna, to cherish the delicate ecosystems that sustained them.


The Earth celebrated the return of biodiversity, as species once on the brink of extinction flourished once again. The air was filled with the melodies of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle hum of insects. The Earth reveled in the symphony of life that had reclaimed its rightful place.


In the absence of human presence, the Earth's voice became a beacon of wisdom. It spoke of the lessons learned from the past, the mistakes made, and the need for stewardship. It reminded the world of the fragility of existence and the responsibility to protect and preserve the planet for future generations, should they ever return.


As the Earth's voice resonated through the empty landscapes, it carried a message of hope. It spoke of the resilience of nature, the power of regeneration, and the potential for rebirth. It reminded the world that even in the absence of humanity, life continued to evolve and adapt.


And so, the Earth's voice echoed through the ages, a testament to the enduring spirit of the planet. It whispered of a future where humanity might once again walk its surface, armed with the knowledge and understanding gained from the past.


Now, one thousand years have passed since the last human footsteps graced the Earth, but the conversation between the Earth and the people's feet remained alive in the memories of the planet. The Earth's voice, a gentle reminder of the interconnectedness of all life, carried on, waiting patiently for the day when the cycle of existence would bring forth new beings to walk upon its surface.


For the Earth knew that the story of humanity was not yet complete, and that one day, the feet would return, ready to continue the conversation and forge a new chapter in the ever-evolving relationship between the Earth and its inhabitants.....




Then one day, somewhere from the heavens, fell a single pair of feet….



WWW (03/20/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)



37.   A Thought Full Tree

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, stood a majestic oak tree. It had witnessed the passing of countless seasons, the rise and fall of civilizations, and the ever-changing world around it. This oak tree had a story to tell, a story that spanned over 2000 years.

With each passing year, the oak tree grew taller and stronger, its branches reaching towards the heavens. It stood as a silent observer, watching the world unfold beneath its leafy canopy. The tree's bark, weathered and gnarled, held the secrets of centuries gone by.

As the sun rose on a crisp autumn morning, the oak tree began to speak. Its ancient voice, carried by the wind, whispered its first word. "Life," it murmured, as its branches gently swayed. The word draped itself over the tree's branches, intertwining with the leaves.

With each passing day, the oak tree continued to share its story, one word at a time. It spoke of the beauty of nature, the harmony of the forest, and the creatures that called it home. "Growth," it whispered, as new shoots sprouted from its trunk, reaching towards the sky.

The oak tree spoke of the changing seasons, the vibrant colors of spring, the warmth of summer, the golden hues of autumn, and the stillness of winter. "Cycle," it murmured, as its leaves transformed from green to red, then fell to the ground, only to be reborn again.

The tree's words carried tales of love and loss, of families who picnicked beneath its shade, of children who climbed its sturdy branches, and of animals who sought refuge within its embrace. "Connection," it whispered, as its roots spread deep into the earth, intertwining with the roots of other trees.

Through the passing centuries, the oak tree witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. It spoke of wars and peace, of triumphs and tragedies, and of the resilience of the human spirit. "History," it murmured, as its branches swayed in the wind, carrying the weight of the past.

The oak tree's words also spoke of time, of the fleeting nature of existence, and the importance of cherishing each moment. "Eternity," it whispered, as its branches stretched towards the infinite sky, reaching for something beyond the grasp of mortal beings.

As the oak tree's story unfolded, its words became a tapestry of wisdom and reflection. Each word draped over its branches, creating a language of its own. The tree's ancient voice echoed through the forest, inviting all who listened to ponder the mysteries of life.

And so, the oak tree continued to share its 2000-year-old life story, one word at a time. Its words carried the weight of time, the beauty of nature, and the resilience of the human spirit. The tree stood tall and proud, a living testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring legacy of nature's wisdom.

WWW (03/19/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


36.   A Tranquil Canopy

Beneath the stars, beside my tranquil lake, In the heart of the forest, I pause to partake. Nature's symphony, a whispering breeze, Unveiling secrets among ancient trees.

Gazing aloft, the night sky aglow, Nebulas dance in a celestial show. In their cosmic embrace, I find a reflection, A yearning, a dream, a profound connection.

For in that moment, a revelation so clear, A whisper from the cosmos, drawing me near. A longing to soar, to transcend the mundane, And dwell among stars, in their celestial domain.

The shimmering tapestry, woven above, A canvas of dreams, an ode to love. With each twinkling star, a promise untold, A beckoning call, a destiny to behold.

So, I pledge to the heavens, in silence profound, to journey beyond, where dreams are unbound. To carve out a home in the vast expanse, And dance with the nebulas, in a cosmic dance.

For the universe sings, a melody divine, and in its vastness, my spirit aligns. With unwavering courage, I'll heed the call, chase after dreams, and embrace them all.


WWW (03/17/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


35.   Another Tranquil Canopy


Standing by the tranquil lake nestled deep within the forest, I found myself engulfed in a moment of profound introspection. The canopy above whispered secrets of ancient trees, and the rippling waters murmured tales of forgotten realms. It was in this serene sanctuary that I experienced a revelation, a cosmic epiphany that stirred the very depths of my soul.

Gazing upwards, I beheld the vast expanse of the night sky, adorned with shimmering nebulas like celestial tapestries woven by divine hands. In that fleeting moment, I felt a stirring within me, an inexplicable longing to transcend the earthly bounds and journey among the stars.

As the gentle breeze caressed my skin, I realized that my true home lay not within the confines of this forest, but among the infinite wonders of the cosmos. With each twinkling star, I saw a beacon guiding me towards my destiny, urging me to set forth on a quest to touch the very fabric of the universe.

In the quietude of the night, I made a silent vow to pursue my celestial dream, to soar beyond the reaches of imagination and carve a place among the nebulae. For in that moment of epiphany, I discovered that the universe held boundless possibilities, and it was up to me to seize them with unwavering determination.


WWW (03/17/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


35.   For my Grandchildren

In a magical land far away, there existed a field filled with unicorns and butterflies. These creatures lived together with a tall, mysterious, and beautiful princess named Serenity Fayona Nova.

In this vast open pasture of flowers, something magical happened. Whenever the butterflies began to sing, the flowers would change colors, creating a beautiful picture. This magical picture of colors would light up the unicorns' spirits, causing them to dance in a large circle around the Princess as she gracefully floated in the air.

With her trusty magic wand in hand, the Princess would wave it gently, causing colorful flower petals to fall from the sky like snowflakes. The meadow would transform into a breathtaking scene, as the petals twirled and danced in the air, creating a magical feeling.

As night fell, the unicorns, with their beautiful voices, sang lullabies to the butterflies, soothing them to sleep. the Princess, with her tender heart, would then tuck each butterfly into their beds made of soft rose petals, ensuring their comfort and safety.

With her duties fulfilled, the Princess would make her way to her majestic castle, where her loving parents eagerly awaited her return. Together, they would enjoy a peaceful night's sleep under the watchful gaze of the bright full moon, dreaming of new adventures and magical wonders.

And so, in this land of unicorns, butterflies, and the enchanting Princess, every day was filled with joy, beauty, and the promise of endless dreams.


WWW (03/17/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


34.   Power verses Grace

In a mystical land filled with towering mountains and lush forests, there lived a powerful eagle named Ares. Ares was known far and wide for his majestic wingspan and his ability to dominate the skies with his strength and agility. He believed that he was the true ruler of the heavens and was determined to maintain his dominance at any cost.
In the same land, there resided a magnificent phoenix named Aurora. Aurora possessed vibrant feathers that shimmered with every color of the rainbow, and her wings radiated a fiery glow. She was a symbol of beauty and grace, and her presence brought hope and inspiration to all who beheld her.
One fateful day, as Ares was soaring through the sky, he spotted Aurora gracefully gliding among the clouds. Envious of her elegance and the attention she garnered, Ares felt a surge of anger and jealousy. He couldn't bear the thought of sharing the airspace with another creature as magnificent as himself.
Driven by his desire for absolute power, Ares decided to challenge Aurora to a battle for supremacy. He believed that by defeating her, he would establish his dominance and prove himself to be the true ruler of the skies. Unbeknownst to both of them, their battle would create a rift of defiance and division between them.
The clash between Ares and Aurora was fierce and relentless. Their wings collided, and their cries of defiance echoed through the mountains. The land trembled beneath them as they fought for control of the airspace. The once harmonious skies became a battleground of chaos and animosity.
As the battle raged on, Aurora's fiery wings began to flicker and fade. The relentless attacks from Ares had taken a toll on her strength and vitality. She fought with every ounce of her remaining power, refusing to surrender to Ares' tyranny.
But just as it seemed that all hope was lost for Aurora, a sudden realization struck Ares. He saw the toll his actions had taken on the once vibrant and radiant phoenix. Regret and guilt washed over him as he witnessed Aurora's near-death struggle.
In that moment, Ares' heart softened, and he realized the error of his ways. He rushed to Aurora's side, shielding her from further harm. With a gentle touch of his wing, he whispered words of apology and reconciliation. Ares acknowledged the beauty and strength that Aurora possessed and recognized that their power could be even greater if they worked together.
Aurora, weakened and on the brink of surrender, felt the sincerity in Ares' words. She accepted his apology and extended her forgiveness. With their newfound understanding, Ares and Aurora set aside their differences and embraced unity.
Together, they soared through the skies, their wings now moving in harmony. Ares used his strength to protect and guide Aurora, while Aurora's radiant presence brought a renewed sense of beauty and hope to their shared domain. The once divided skies began to heal, and creatures from all corners of the land marveled at the sight of the eagle and phoenix flying side by side.
Their reconciliation served as a powerful lesson to all who witnessed it. It reminded them that even in the face of defiance and division, forgiveness and unity have the power to heal and restore. Ares and Aurora became symbols of redemption and transformation, inspiring others to seek reconciliation and harmony in their own lives.
And so, the eagle and phoenix, once bitter enemies, became steadfast allies. Their shared journey taught them the true meaning of strength and power, not in dominance and control, but in the ability to rise above differences and embrace unity. Together, they created a legacy of forgiveness and cooperation that would be remembered for generations to come.


WWW (03/16/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


33.    Lunar Cats

In the depths of the night sky, where the stars twinkle and gleam,
There lies a moon, a world unseen, where a feline dream takes its theme.
For on this moon, a secret is kept, a tale of cats so grand,
Who have made it their home, a paradise, where none but themselves can stand.

In this lunar land, a kingdom thrives, ruled by a mighty king,
The lion, with his golden mane, his roar makes the mountains sing.
With grace and power, he claims his throne, his subjects all bow down,
For he is the ruler of this realm, where only cats are found.

The moon's paradise, a tapestry of colors, a sight so divine,
Where every breed and every kind of cat, their beauty does intertwine.
From Siamese to Persian, from Maine Coon to Ragdoll,
They all gather here, in harmony, in this magical cat-filled hall.

In this moonlit paradise, the cats frolic and play,
Chasing moonbeams and dancing on the Milky Way.
They wander through fields of stardust, their paws leaving trails of light,
Leaping and bounding with joy, under the lunar night.

The moon cats are a family, a community so strong,
They share their tales and legends, as they gather all night long.
They speak of their ancestors, who first set foot on this celestial ground,
And how they built a haven, where their love and freedom abound.

But the paradise on the moon is guarded with great care,
For only the chosen ones can enter, no humans would ever dare.
The cats have built their fortress, a secret entrance, hidden away,
To protect their moonlit haven, where they can forever stay.

And so, the moon cats live in bliss, unaffected by time's flow,
In their own celestial world, where their spirits forever glow.
They bask in the moon's gentle glow, their eyes shining bright,
Creating their own destiny, in this lunar paradise, their eternal delight.

So, if ever you gaze at the moon, in the quiet of the night,
Remember the cats who have claimed it, their paradise shining so bright.
For in the vastness of the universe, where wonders are never few,
There exists a moon, a feline haven, where dreams can come true.

WWW (03/15/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

32.    Survivors 

Amidst the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, the USS Indianapolis cruised through the darkness of the night, carrying with it the weight of war and the hopes of a nation. Among the crew, two men, Jack and Marcus, forged a bond that would transcend the horrors they were about to face.

On that fateful night in July 1945, the ship was struck by torpedoes from a Japanese submarine, sinking it in a matter of minutes. Jack and Marcus found themselves plunged into the icy waters, surrounded by chaos and despair.

As the survivors clung to whatever debris they could find, the frigid ocean threatened to claim them with its merciless grip. But Jack and Marcus refused to succumb to the despair that threatened to overwhelm them. With grim determination, they fought against the numbing cold, urging each other to hold on just a little longer.

Days passed, marked by the relentless sun beating down upon their battered bodies and the constant threat of prowling sharks circling below. But through sheer willpower and the unwavering support of one another, Jack and Marcus found the strength to endure.

As the days turned into nights and the nights into days, they clung to the hope of rescue, refusing to let go of the belief that they would one day be reunited with their loved ones. And then, against all odds, salvation came in the form of a passing aircraft, its wings slicing through the sky like a beacon of hope in the darkness.

Jack and Marcus were among the fortunate few who survived the ordeal, their bodies battered and their spirits bruised, but unbroken.

Years passed, and life moved on for the survivors of the USS Indianapolis. But the memories of that harrowing experience lingered, casting a shadow over their lives that could never truly be erased.

Then came the news that would reopen old wounds and reopen old wounds, Captain McVey, the man who had led them through the darkest hours of their lives, had taken his own life.

For Jack and Marcus, the loss of their captain felt like a second sinking. They had looked to him for guidance and strength during their darkest hours, and now he was gone, a victim of the demons that haunted him in the aftermath of the sinking.

But amidst the pain and the grief, Jack and Marcus found solace in each other's company. They knew that they had survived the worst that the ocean could throw at them, and they would survive this too, together.

And so, as they stood on the shore, gazing out at the vast expanse of the Pacific, Jack and Marcus found comfort in the knowledge that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, just as they had faced the horrors of the USS Indianapolis.


WWW (03/15/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


31.   The Winter Dove

In the heart of an ancient forest, where tall pines stood like sentinels and the silence was broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves, a snowstorm brewed. It began softly, as if the sky itself was sprinkling powdered sugar over the tranquil landscape. But soon, the snowflakes grew larger and more insistent, swirling in a frenzy of white.

As the storm intensified, the forest became a maze of swirling white, with trees bending under the weight of accumulating snow. Animals sought shelter in their burrows and nests, huddling together for warmth as the wind howled through the branches.

But amidst the chaos of the storm, something remarkable happened. As the snow piled higher and higher, it began to take shape, forming a delicate figure in the midst of the swirling flakes. It was a white dove, its feathers shimmering in the pale light of the storm.

The dove emerged from the snowdrift, its wings spread wide as it soared gracefully through the tempest. With each beat of its wings, the storm seemed to calm, the winds diminishing to a gentle breeze and the snowfall slowing to a soft flutter.

As the dove flew through the forest, it left behind a trail of tranquility in its wake. The trees stood tall once more, their branches no longer weighed down by the burden of snow. The animals emerged from their hiding places, blinking in wonder at the peaceful scene before them.

And then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the dove vanished into the snowy landscape, leaving behind only a sense of peace and serenity. In its wake, the forest was transformed, bathed in the soft glow of an aurora of weather. The storm had passed, but in its place was a newfound sense of harmony, as nature and all its creatures found solace in the calm that followed.


WWW (03/15/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


30.   Being Simple in Spring

In fields of green and skies so blue, I search for flowers, fresh and new. With every step, I skip and sing, Welcoming the arrival of spring.

Among the grass, I spot a bloom, A burst of color, chasing gloom. Its petals soft, its scent so sweet, A tiny miracle at my feet.

I bend down low to take a peek, At nature's masterpiece, so meek. Each flower whispers secrets bright, Of mornings kissed by golden light.

With joy in heart and smile wide, I wander on, nowhere to hide. For in this season, full of cheer, Every bloom feels oh so near.

So here's to spring, with all its grace, Bringing warmth to every place. In fields of flowers, I'll always roam, Welcoming spring, my heart's true home.


WWW (03/12/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)

29.   I am the UNKNOWN 

In the depths of space, amidst the swirling abyss of cosmic wonder, there exists a singular soul yearning to bridge the gap between consciousness and the enigmatic realms beyond. This intrepid traveler is none other than Will, a visionary explorer driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a profound connection to the cosmos.

My journey begins with a solitary voyage, my vessel cutting through the fabric of space-time like a needle through silk. With each pulse of my ship's engines, I draw closer to the edge of a colossal black hole, its gravitational grip pulling at the very fabric of my being.

As I approach the event horizon, I can feel the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon me. Yet, I remain undaunted, for I know that within the depths of the unknown lies the key to unlocking the mysteries of existence itself.

With a steady hand and a resolute mind, I steer my ship into the swirling vortex of the black hole. The darkness envelops me, swallowing me whole as I hurtle through the void at unimaginable speeds. Colors warp and twist around me, forming kaleidoscopic patterns that dance before my eyes.

In this surreal dreamscape, I find myself at the crossroads of consciousness and chaos. Here, the boundaries between self and other blur, and the whispers of distant minds echo through the emptiness of space.

Drawing upon my inner strength and the wisdom of the cosmos, I delve deeper into the abyss, my mind merging with the collective consciousness of the universe itself. In this state of transcendence, I glimpse the intellectual colors that have yet to be conceived, each one a manifestation of the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the veil of reality.

As I navigate this cosmic labyrinth, I encounter beings of pure energy and intellect, their thoughts intertwining with mine in a symphony of enlightenment. Together, we explore the vast expanse of the cosmos, charting new territories of thought and understanding.

But even as I revel in the boundless wonders of the universe, I know that my journey must eventually come to an end. With a bittersweet farewell, I bid adieu to my newfound companions and set course for home.

Emerging from the depths of the black hole, I return to the familiar embrace of space-time, my mind ablaze with the memories of my journey. Though I may never fully comprehend the mysteries I have encountered, I know that the quest for knowledge is an eternal one, and that the universe will always be waiting to reveal its secrets to those who dare to seek them.


WWW (03/12/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


28.   A Quiet Place in the Heavens

Beneath the stars, beside my tranquil lake, In the heart of the forest, I pause to partake. Nature's symphony, a whispering breeze, Unveiling secrets among ancient trees.

Gazing aloft, the night sky aglow, Nebulas dance in a celestial show. In their cosmic embrace, I find a reflection, A yearning, a dream, a profound connection.

For in that moment, a revelation so clear, A whisper from the cosmos, drawing me near. A longing to soar, to transcend the mundane, And dwell among stars, in their celestial domain.

The shimmering tapestry, woven above, A canvas of dreams, an ode to love. With each twinkling star, a promise untold, A beckoning call, a destiny to behold.

So, I pledge to the heavens, in silence profound, to journey beyond, where dreams are unbound. To carve out a home in the vast expanse, And dance with the nebulas, in a cosmic dance.

For the universe sings, a melody divine, and in its vastness, my spirit aligns. With unwavering courage, I'll heed the call, to chase after dreams, and embrace them all.


WWW (03/12/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)


27.   A Quiet Place in the Heavens,  II


Standing by the tranquil lake nestled deep within the forest, I found myself engulfed in a moment of profound introspection. The canopy above whispered secrets of ancient trees, and the rippling waters murmured tales of forgotten realms. It was in this serene sanctuary that I experienced a revelation, a cosmic epiphany that stirred the very depths of my soul.

Gazing upwards, I beheld the vast expanse of the night sky, adorned with shimmering nebulas like celestial tapestries woven by divine hands. In that fleeting moment, I felt a stirring within me, an inexplicable longing to transcend the earthly bounds and journey among the stars.

As the gentle breeze caressed my skin, I realized that my true home lay not within the confines of this forest, but among the infinite wonders of the cosmos. With each twinkling star, I saw a beacon guiding me towards my destiny, urging me to set forth on a quest to touch the very fabric of the universe.

In the quietude of the night, I made a silent vow to pursue my celestial dream, to soar beyond the reaches of imagination and carve a place among the nebulae. For in that moment of epiphany, I discovered that the universe held boundless possibilities, and it was up to me to seize them with unwavering determination.


WWW (03/12/24)

© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)